Dear Libertarian,

Did you hear the happy news last week?

The Federal Election Commission (FEC) announced that they will not appeal the District Court’s decision that the FEC must uphold the law on their regulation of the Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD).

The Libertarian Party was a co-plaintiff in this case.

Libertarian National Committee Chair, Nicholas Sarwark, says, “With the recent court ruling in our lawsuit against the FEC and the FEC’s decision not to appeal that ruling, we’re optimistic that the CPD will have to change their rules to not be rigged in favor of the two old parties.”

“This kind of work to break the CPD’s stranglehold on the debate process is just one of many ways that we are working to create a strong foundation for all of the new Libertarian candidates who will be running in 2018 and 2020. Striking down legal and ballot access barriers is not as exciting or sexy as an election campaign, but it’s that kind of work over the last 45 years that has put us in the position to take advantage of current and future political opportunities.”

We now wait for the FEC to do the right thing and follow the court’s directives with regards to the Commission on Presidential Debates.

Every day, the Libertarian Party is working on multiple fronts to lay the foundation for our candidates in 2018, 2020, and other elections.

This lawsuit against the FEC is just one critical piece of many.

Another critical piece for laying the foundation for 2018 is our work to ensure that EVERY American voter will have the opportunity to vote for Libertarian candidates.

We are further ahead on this than we ever have been at this point in the cycle.

But we need your help to fund this effort.

We have the nation’s experts on ballot access working on our behalf.

They are very good at what they do. We just need to give them the resources they need to make things happen.

Right now we have a very special opportunity for donations to the Ballot Access Fund to be matched, not once, but TWICE!

So, right now, your gift will be TRIPLED.

These opportunities are very rare. So I hope you’ll take advantage of it if you haven’t already.

If you want the Libertarian Party to really shake things up in 2018, donating to the Ballot Access Fund is one of the best things you can do right now to help make that happen.

As always, we appreciate your support!

Wes Benedict
Executive Director