For Immediate Release Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Party says Republicans and Democrats are barely distinguishable

“Single digit approval ratings for Congress are a dire prognosis for the future of the political establishment,” says Libertarian Party National Chairman William Redpath, referring to today’s Rasmussen poll that gives Congress the worst approval rating since Rasmussen began tracking these numbers.

“Democrats have failed to deliver on their promises from 2006, backing down time and time again to a Republican Party hell-bent on increasing the power and scope of government,” says Redpath. “Voters are tired of being shafted by our elected officials, and are demanding that real change be made–not just more empty, quixotic promises.”

“Voters can hardly recognize the parties to which they used to affiliate,” says Libertarian Party spokesperson Andrew Davis. “Republicans and Democrats have rejected so many of their core values for the sake of getting elected that they are barely distinguishable from one another. It’s hard for voters to say that they are proud to be a Republican, or proud to be a Democrat.”

Redpath referred to presidential candidates John McCain and Barack Obama as “extensions of the same problems we have faced for the past seven years,” saying that only the Libertarian Party had candidates that could “restore the confidence of the American people in their government.”

The Libertarian Party calls for smaller government, lower taxes and more individual freedom. The Party has opposed such decisions as the invasion of Iraq and the amendments to FISA, while championing tax cuts and reductions in government spending.

‘Americans are deeply dissatisfied with the direction their country is going and desperately want real change,’ says Bob Barr, the Libertarian Party presidential nominee. ‘But real change will not come from the two major parties, with their well-established commitment to the status quo. It will only come from outside the current system — and through the Barr presidential campaign and the Libertarian Party.’

The latest report from Zogby shows Barr polling at 6 percent nationwide, indicating the libertarian vote could be a significant player in the 2008 election.

The Libertarian Party is America’s third largest political party, founded in 1971 as an alternative to the two main political parties. You can find more information on the Libertarian Party by visiting . The Libertarian Party proudly stands for smaller government, lower taxes and more freedom.

For more information on this issue, or to arrange a media interview, please call Andrew Davis at (202) 731-0002.