For Immediate Release Monday, April 28, 2008

Food rationing in America represents the ultimate failure of government regulation

Washington, D.C. – Food rationing has started for the first time in the United States as food prices soar across the nation. The Libertarian Party blames government regulation for the worsening economic and food conditions in a statement from the Libertarian Party by Executive Director Shane Cory:

“Food rationing for the first time in the United States is the tragic consequence of government interference in the free market. From crop subsidies to disastrous energy policies, the end result is food shortages in the most prosperous nation in the world. Republicans and Democrats have failed to stay out of the economy, and American citizens are paying for it at the pump and on the dinner table. Americans need a government that recognizes the need to stay out of the market, so that we can avoid the catastrophic repercussions that come from economic meddling.”

The Libertarian Party is America’s third largest political party, founded in 1971 as an alternative to the two main political parties. You can find more information on the Libertarian Party by visiting . The Libertarian Party proudly stands for smaller government, lower taxes and more freedom.

For more information on this issue, or to arrange a media interview, please call Andrew Davis at (202) 333-0008 during normal business hours, or at (202) 731-0002 during any other time.