For Immediate Release Friday, May 20, 2016

Fox News poll respondents see dominant-party candidates as ‘deeply flawed’

Fox News logo WASHINGTON, D.C. — According to a new nationwide Fox News poll of registered voters, Gov. Gary Johnson, a candidate for the Libertarian Party’s (LP) nomination for president, is polling in double digits in a hypothetical three-way race against the Republican and Democratic front-runners. The poll results are:

Donald Trump: 42%
Hillary Clinton: 39%
Gary Johnson: 10%

A Monmouth University poll in March put Johnson at 11 percent in the same match-up.

‘Another poll showing one of our presidential candidates in double digits affirms the likelihood that the Libertarian Party will have a sizable influence in the 2016 election,’ said Nicholas Sarwark, Chair of the Libertarian National Committee.

In the Fox News poll, Johnson, a former two-term governor of New Mexico and the LP’s 2012 nominee, polled at 18 percent among voters under 35, and at 18 percent among independent voters.

Fox News also reported that majorities of the voters polled feel both the Republican and Democratic front-runners ‘lack strong moral values and will say anything to get elected.’ Congruent with that result, they headlined their analysis with the assessment that both Trump and Clinton are ‘seen as deeply flawed candidates.’

A May 18 editorial at the web publication (whose masthead proclaims crony capitalism to be ‘The Real Problem with the Economy’) reads, ‘If Johnson holds at this level, I don’t see how he can be excluded from the debates if he gets the Libertarian nomination.’

The Libertarian Party presidential nominating convention will be held May 26 – 30 in Orlando, when delegates will select the party’s presidential and vice presidential nominees.

Click here to learn how the party selects its presidential and VP nominees.

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Click here for the convention schedule .

The Libertarian Party is the third largest political party in the United States, and is the only alternative party expected to be on the ballot in all fifty states. Over 15,000,000 votes were cast for Libertarian candidates in the 2012 election.