For Immediate Release Thursday, February 7, 2008

Washington, D.C. – Following a solid McCain victory in the Super Tuesday primaries, the Libertarian Party has sent Republican headquarters a funeral wreath marking the death of limited-government values within the Republican Party. The wreath was hand-delivered to the D.C. offices of the Republican National Committee. “We simply felt the need to express our heartfelt sympathy for the Republican Party as they undergo this tough time within their party,” says Libertarian Party National Media Coordinator Andrew Davis, who delivered the wreath.

“Given that it has become readily apparent that Senator McCain will soon be the presidential nominee for the Republican Party,” reads a card that accompanied the wreath addressed to RNC Chairman Mike Duncan, “we, the staff of the Libertarian National Committee, send our condolences to you upon the death of small-government principles within the GOP.”

The note continues:

“Libertarians encourage competition within both the free-market and politics. Unfortunately, with the rise of John McCain and the big-spending practices of the Bush administration, the two-party system has emerged as representing only one philosophy – big-government liberalism.

With your loss, the Libertarian Party will continue to move forward to represent those American patriots who still believe in smaller government, lower taxes and more individual freedom.”

“McCain’s Super Tuesday win marks the death of limited government values within the Republican Party, which had struggled with its principles throughout the Bush administration,” says Shane Cory, executive director of the Libertarian Party. “It is a day of mourning for the few remaining small-government Republicans.”

The Libertarian Party is America’s third largest political party, founded in 1971 as an alternative to the two main political parties. You can find more information on the Libertarian Party by visiting . The Libertarian Party proudly stands for smaller government, lower taxes and more freedom.