For Immediate Release Wednesday, May 28, 2008

With your help, the LP could break all the records!

Dear Libertarian,

This past weekend, more than 650 Libertarian delegates from across the country came together in Denver, CO to select our ticket for the 2008 presidential race . Through much debate, both on the stage and on the floor, our delegates selected one of the strongest tickets in the 37-year history of the Libertarian Party. Former Congressman Bob Barr , and small businessman Wayne Allyn Root will be leading the Party into what could possibly be the biggest year for Libertarians since Ed Clark ran in 1980!

However, our candidates are only as strong as the Libertarians who support them, and with your help, we can make this year one for the record books!

As you well know, the Libertarian Party always starts off a few paces back from the main two parties because of our battles with ballot access and funding. It takes an incredibly large sum of money to put the party on an even playing field in each state, and after that is all said and done, we still have the campaign to fund!

In the post-nomination excitement, as Libertarians united behind our candidate and began to turn towards the real enemy of the establishment, more than $64,000 was donated at the 2008 National Convention Presidential Banquet. Our gracious donors recognized that this was going to be a banner-year for the Libertarian Party, and wanted to make sure the tracks were laid for the Barr/Root train to roll loudly into Washington.

But this is just a fraction of what we need to ensure the Libertarian Party breaks every third-party record this year. We now put the challenge to you, our generous donors, volunteers and activists: Will you help build the tracks to success in 2008?

The average donation at the presidential banquet was $266, and we are asking if you can match this amount with your gracious donation that can be made online here . If you cannot, please donate any amount that you are able.

All donations are needed, and every one will be put to good use.

Thank you,

Andrew Davis
National Media Coordinator
Libertarian Party

PS –
If you are not a member, but would like to join the Libertarian Party, please click here . If your membership has lapsed, please click here to renew .