For Immediate Release Wednesday, April 2, 2014

WASHINGTON – According to ballot access expert Richard Winger, Libertarian Party voter registration in the U.S. has grown 11.4% since late 2012. Registration in all other nationally-organized parties has decreased.

According to Winger, the most recent figures available from state governments show that there were 368,561 registered Libertarians in March 2014, compared to 330,811 in November 2012.

Thirty states and the District of Columbia allow voters to include a party affiliation with their voter registration.

Libertarian Party Chair Geoffrey Neale commented, “I think it’s great that Libertarian registration is increasing throughout America, while the Democrats and Republicans have been shrinking. Maybe it’s our across-the-board message of ‘more freedom, less government.'”

The states with the largest percent increases were Idaho (161% increase), Wyoming (68% increase), Nebraska (55% increase), and Louisiana (33% increase).
