For Immediate Release Monday, June 9, 2008

Redpath says Virginians do not need “six more years of the same two parties”

Libertarian Party National Chairman and candidate for U.S. Senate William Redpath will deliver more than 16,000 signatures to the Virginia State Board of Elections on Tuesday in Richmond, concluding more than two months of petition gathering to qualify for ballot access as a Libertarian in the state of Virginia. Redpath, of Leesburg, will face Republican Jim Gilmore and Democrat Mark Warner for the seat currently held by five-term Republican Senator John Warner.

“This will be an open seat, and one that is highly contested,” says Redpath, who is a Vice President at BIA Financial Network, Inc. “My entry into the race will bring more competition by creating an alternative to the two establishment candidates. Virginians deserve to get the best representation as possible in Washington, and we do this by inviting more choices into the selection process.”

Redpath will be delivering these petition signatures tomorrow (Tuesday) at 4 PM at the Virginia State Board of Elections office located at 200 North Ninth Street, Suite 101, in Richmond. He will be available for interviews at this time, or available for pre-arranged interviews.

Redpath received the nomination of the Libertarian Party of Virginia at its convention in Richmond on March 29. In 2001, Redpath ran for governor of Virginia.

Virginia law requires 10,000 valid signatures of registered Virginia voters, with at least 400 valid signatures from each of the 11 U.S. House districts in the state. With more than 16,000 signatures collected, Redpath is confident he will meet these requirements.

Redpath plans to focus the next 21 weeks of his campaign on many issues that impact the citizens of Virginia, including: promptly withdrawing US troops from Iraq; reductions in federal government expenditures by cutting wasteful government programs; reforming the tax code with a simplified, flat tax; reforming the Social Security and Medicare systems with Libertarian alternatives; and ending federal prosecution of citizens for nonviolent, consensual crimes.

“Republicans and Democrats have failed the citizens of Virginia, and it is time for a change,” says Redpath. “We do not need six more years of the same two parties in Washington. It is time for real change, and that change can only come by electing a Libertarian to the U.S. Senate.”

To schedule an interview with Redpath, please call (703) 864-2132. You can find out more information about Redpath’s run for Senate at

The Libertarian Party is America’s third largest political party, founded in 1971 as an alternative to the two main political parties. You can find more information on the Libertarian Party by visiting . The Libertarian Party proudly stands for smaller government, lower taxes and more freedom.