For Immediate Release Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Earned 1 million votes in 2008 Public Service Commission race

ATLANTA — John Monds will be announcing his intention to seek the Libertarian Party of Georgia’s nomination for Governor with a press conference at the Capitol in Atlanta with family, close friends and supporters by his side Wednesday, March 25th at 4:00pm.

During his campaign for Public Service Commission (District 1) in 2008, Monds became the first Libertarian to break one million votes in the United States.

Monds and the Libertarian Party believe Georgians are ready for something new and different. ‘It’s difficult to tell the difference between Republicans and Democrats; both want to raise your taxes, waste your money and increase the size and scope of state government,’ said Monds.

‘We must be competitive in the 21st Century. We must have meaningful tax reform that allows businesses and individuals to thrive, a transportation system that eases congestion without raising taxes, an education system that gives more choices and returns control to the local level, and we need to stop wasting the taxpayers’ money with mandated long term incarceration of individuals for non-violent victimless infractions of the law’

John Monds, 43, is a graduate of Morehouse College with a degree in Banking and Finance, President of the Grady County NAACP and currently serves on the Grady County Planning Commission.

He resides in Cairo with his wife, Dr. Kathaleena Edward Monds, and four children, Akintunde, Cazembe, Halima and Malik.

You can read more about John Monds at .

The Libertarian Party is Georgia’s third largest political party and the only party in Georgia promoting fewer taxes, less government and personal liberty for all Georgians. To learn more, please visit .

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