For Immediate Release Monday, March 23, 2009

ALBANY, NY — Albany attorney Warren Redlich endorsed Libertarian special election congressional candidate Eric Sundwall, although he is a Republican officeholder (Town of Guilderland board) and was a GOP congressional candidate in the adjoining 21st congressional district. The special election to replace Kirsten Gillibrand will be held March 31st. Campaign manager Richard Cooper announced the endorsement. Cooper notes that Redlich lives outside the district won’t be able to vote for Sundwall but GOP candidate Tedisco lives outside the district also and can’t vote for himself.

Redlich explained his endorsement of Eric Sundwall “I think Jim Tedisco is a great guy, but I’m endorsing Eric because of our close agreement on policy issues. With bailouts running amok, the people are figuring out that government is causing our problems instead of helping. No one understands that better than Eric Sundwall.”

Tedisco supporters launched attacks on Eric Sundwall’s petitions to qualify for the ballot. Redlich represented Sundwall at a hearing at the State Board of Elections on Monday.

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