Medical Freedom

Government vaccine mandates for Covid-19 around the world forced medical experimentation onto unwilling subjects. Through fear-based propaganda, governments lied to people to get them to believe that everything was fine and that there would be no harm from the shot. The reality was that many suffered side effects with blood clots, Guillain‐Barre syndrome, heart failure, and even death.

It’s a reminder that when the government forces a one-size-fits-all policy, inherently, people suffer.

The Libertarian Party rejects all forcible state medical procedures or experimentation. You have absolute ownership of your body, and absolute Individual sovereignty over what goes in it, whether it’s a choice to take a pain-relieving medicine or a choice to take a vaccine.

The solution to any concern about contagions and health is resolved in property rights, with individuals choosing their associations and acting according to their risk calculations. 

Governments should not prescribe risks, nor mandate them.