Libertarian Cliff Hyra for governor of Virginia
Virginia Libertarian candidate for governor Cliff Hyra has been making the rounds and earning consistent media coverage with his principled Libertarian platform. On Thursday, Nov. 2, he held a news conference at the state capitol to address his opponents’ “wild-eyed accusations and divisive rhetoric” — aimed at each other — and to ask voters to eschew negative campaigning and vote for him.
The press conference drew media such as the Richmond Times-Dispatch and Washington Post newspapers, and WVTF-FM Virginia Public Radio.
From the Richmond Times-Dispatch‘s article, “Calling himself the ‘grown-up in the room,’ Libertarian Cliff Hyra bashes Gillespie and Northam over harsh attack ads”:
Libertarian Cliff Hyra wants Virginians to ignore the attack ads in the governor’s race featuring MS-13 gang members, pedophiles and neo-Nazis, and vote for the guy whose long-shot campaign has at least been clean.
“I fear for the future of our commonwealth and of our nation. When even the most staid candidates feel that they have to descend to this level of discourse to win an election. And are willing to do so,” said Hyra, a 35-year-old Mechanicsville patent attorney who will appear on the ballot as the only third-party candidate.
“It’s unbelievable to me that I had to be the grown-up in the room, because these 60-year-old men, these establishment politicians, a sitting lieutenant governor and a (former) chairman of the Republican National Committee apparently think that the best strategy (for) getting elected to the highest position of the state is name-calling. I feel like telling them: “Don’t make me turn this car around.”
From WVTF-FM Virginia Public Radio’s broadcast, “Libertarian to Other Candidates for Governor: Grow Up”:
[Hyra] announced he’ll release several policy papers in the coming days. He hopes voters will go online and compare the ideas of all three candidates.
“And choose a candidate not based on fear or attack ads but based on who they think is most closely aligned with their own positions of what they think is best for the future of Virginia,” said Hyra.
From the Washington Post‘s article, “Libertarian for Va. governor calls on rivals to drop the ‘wild-eyed accusations’ ”:
[Hyra] called on the candidates to focus on the economy, education, health care and criminal justice in the remaining days. And he implored voters not to let the negativity deter them from voting.
Hyra said his hope would be to hit 10 percent — a threshold that would give Libertarians major-party status, making it easier for candidates to get on the ballot.
He said he doesn’t fear playing spoiler.
“I think both candidates are not good candidates,” he said. “I don’t think they have the right plans for the future of Virginia, so I’m not concerned if it affects the election one way or the other.”
The election is being held on Tuesday, November 7. Visit the Hyra for Governor campaign website at CliffHyra.com.
Click here to read the full Richmond Times-Dispatch article.