A few days ago was a Libertarian’s least favorite day of the year, Tax Day. For so many, today is their favorite. So let’s start by saying…

Happy 4/20, Libertarians!

If you celebrate, we invite you to toke up, chew that edible, and enjoy the day! But wouldn’t it be more enjoyable if our laws reflected what Libertarians know is sensible and moral?

Earlier this month, the House of Representatives passed H.R. 3617, a cannabis decriminalization and deschedulization bill. While this is undoubtedly a step in the right direction, this is happening in 2022. The Libertarian Party has been fighting this battle for the past 50 years!

We do not wait until a time of political expediency to stand behind our beliefs. Recently, Burnsville, MN City Council Member, Cara Schulz (L), stood up to her fellow council members with a scolding retort of the council’s pro-government intervention stance on the opioid crisis in the area. Their endeavor was a clear failure, but Councilwoman Schulz never wavered on her position in supporting an end to government intervention in fighting drug wars.

The Libertarian Party stands resolute in its commitment to electing warriors dedicated to ending the drug war.

Stand with us with a gift of $4.20, $42.00, $420.00 or your most generous donation today!

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With your help, we can elect more drug war warriors so that bills like H.R. 3617 are only the beginning to the end of the drug war!