Dear Libertarian,

Last week, you heard about the free websites we are now offering candidates. Today, I want to share with you some more of the resources the national Libertarian Party provides for our candidates.

Did you know that we have 3 full-time staffers and consultants focused on candidate support this fall? This is a huge increase compared to what we had in 2016.

These staffers assist candidates with paperwork, FEC filings, campaign strategy, copyediting, and so much more. And they are staying BUSY supporting as many of our 830+ candidates as possible.

If you are a candidate and want to talk with me or one of our other candidate support specialists, email us at

Also, we are hosting a biweekly Campaign Strategy Call for candidates and their campaign teams. Each call is tightly focusing on one topic presented by a guest expert.

The first call was so well attended we overloaded our system! This week’s call featured Dan Johnson, founder of We Do That, on the critical topic of activating volunteers.

“Thank you — good call and look forward to future ones!”
– Stevan Porter for Congress, Virginia 11th District

“The Campaign Strategy Series, and its information about new and existing resources for candidates, including the CRM platform, websites, and expert advice, is the best national outreach and education program currently offered to the Libertarian Party candidates of all levels.”
– John Phillips Jr, Region 1 Representative

Additionally, candidates said they need one-on-one expert help and so we are stepping up to provide it. We have assembled a list of some of the top names in communications, campaign strategy, technology systems, and fieldwork to spend an hour working directly with a candidate and help them refine their campaign.

If you are a Libertarian who would like to support our providing these important services for candidates, please donate. We can’t do any of this without your help.

As always, thank you for your support!

Cara Schulz
Candidate Recruitment Specialist
Elected Libertarian, Burnsville City Council