Dear Libertarian,

Libertarian Party of Illinois

Since its inception, the Libertarian Party has been an outspoken advocate for competitive elections and has encouraged people to get involved in their government. Here in Illinois, the current election law prevents competitive elections and magnifies the impacts of gerrymandering, as recently demonstrated by 46 percent of the Illinois General Assembly being elected via uncontested races in the 2018 general election.

Illinois’ ballot access laws discourage qualified Illinois citizens from running for office who do not align with either of the two old political parties or are unable to navigate the intentionally complex election system that the two old parties created for themselves. Limiting ballot choices prevents innovation and compromise in public policy by limiting debate to only voices that align with the platforms of the two old political parties.

We want to change that.

Recently filed legislation in Springfield, Illinois House Bill 3535 and Senate Bill 141, would amend the Illinois Election Code and change signature requirements for new political parties and independent candidates so the amounts are equal to those required for established political parties, irrespective of party affiliation. These bills align with the Libertarian Party’s support for competitive elections, innovation in policymaking, proper representation, and more accountable elected officials. We need your help to get these measures to a vote in both chambers of the General Assembly.

Please take a few minutes out of your day to contact your state representative to ask for his or her support and co-sponsorship of House Bill 3535. Likewise, we ask that you contact your state senator to request his or her support and co-sponsorship of Senate Bill 141.

If you do not know who your representatives are, you may find out here.

If you would like to help even more, please contact each of the members of the Senate Subcommittee on Elections and ask that they support and co-sponsor Senate Bill 141. The senators of the Sub-Committee on Elections are:

Don Harmon (D) — (217) 782-8176
Michael E. Hastings (D) — (217) 782-9595
Jim Oberweis (R) — (217) 782-0471

Every phone call, letter, email, and social media post helps build momentum for meaningful election reform in Illinois. Please feel free to reach out to me directly, if you have any questions about this legislation.

In liberty,

Bennett Morris
Chair, Libertarian Party of Illinois