STIMULUS 2: Overstimulation

STIMULUS 2: Overstimulation

Sometimes politicians learn quickly. Now that Republicans and the Democrats have figured out that paying Americans with their own money is a winning strategy, the ruling class has decided to use the tool again and again. Instead of stimulating the economy by slashing...

Anti-war Americans have no home with the Republicans and Democrats

Anti-war Americans have no home with the Republicans and Democrats

Last week, President Joe Biden began his second month in office by ordering an airstrike in Syria without receiving congressional authorization. At about the same time, Biden received a US intelligence report that confirmed what has long been known: that the brutal...

15 Days to Stop the Spread… One year later

15 Days to Stop the Spread… One year later

It’s March 2021. We have been living within some sort of COVID-19 affected reality for one year. In some ways it feels like this started just a few months ago; in other ways, it’s hard to remember life before the pandemic. If we rewind just one year — before 500,000...

Bus Life: The Ladies Behind Lady Liberty

Bus Life: The Ladies Behind Lady Liberty

From LP News | Vol. 50, Issue 3 | Quarter 3, 2020 By Kate Prather • LP Texas 2020 has been quite a year, especially for campaigning, with there being no exceptions for our presidential candidate’s campaign. Conventions, petitioning, fundraising, event planning, and...

‘First they came for the Greens’: Duopoly attacks Texas Libertarians

‘First they came for the Greens’: Duopoly attacks Texas Libertarians

From LP News | Vol. 50, Issue 3 | Quarter 3, 2020 By Bekah Congdon • LPHQ Development Associate For anyone who has been around the Libertarian Party for more than one election cycle, you will be familiar with the fights — plural — we endure to be placed on the ballot....

Crossing the Rubicon: Why it’s so hard to be a Libertarian

Crossing the Rubicon: Why it’s so hard to be a Libertarian

From LP News | Vol. 50, Issue 3 | Quarter 3, 2020 By John Mills • Washington In 1776, Thomas Jefferson penned these famous and radical words: “Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.” King George III, and...

From the Chair: Schrödinger’s Vote & Electing Libertarians

From the Chair: Schrödinger’s Vote & Electing Libertarians

From LP News | Vol. 50, Issue 3 | Quarter 3, 2020 By Joe Bishop-Henchman • LNC Chair I spent Election Day 2020 on Wyoming sidewalks in 30-degree weather, helping rally voters for Libertarian candidates. After a night fretting about election results, I spent the next...

Disastrous debate shows the need for another option – NOW!

Disastrous debate shows the need for another option – NOW!

It is difficult to even come up with words to say after such an embarrassingly childish display. That debate was a joke —  just like we knew it would be. It would have been difficult to imagine such a disgraceful event, and yet it was exactly what we should expect...

Book review: 2 Paragraphs 4 Liberty

Book review: 2 Paragraphs 4 Liberty

Would you like to spend a few minutes each day thinking about Libertarian political solutions in order to sharpen one’s own views on timely issues and be equipped for those water cooler discussions? Of course you do, and Gary Johnson’s 2012 running mate and contender...