by Libertarian Party | Jan 6, 2022 | News, Press Release
In a display of blatant voter suppression and support for duopoly rule, the 11th Circuit Court has overturned a ruling in Georgia and restored one of the worst ballot access laws in the country. In September, a long-awaited ruling was issued by a federal judge...
by Libertarian Party | Nov 3, 2021 | News, Press Release
(Alexandria, VA) In a record-setting night, the Libertarian Party nearly doubles its number of elected officials across the country. The party estimates that voters across the United States elected approximately 150 candidates to office last night, with final totals...
by Libertarian Party | Dec 14, 2020 | News, Press Release
***FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE*** REP. JOHN ANDREWS JOINS LIBERTARIAN PARTY Maine State Representative John Andrews, announced on Monday that he is joining the Libertarian Party. “I hope that many free thinking and liberty-minded Mainers will join me in taking this step,”...
by Libertarian Party | Sep 2, 2020 | News, Press Release
9/2/2020 Washington D.C. The Libertarian Party joins me in offering our deepest condolences to Dr. Jo Jorgensen on the passing of her mother today. As anyone who has lost a parent can understand, it can be challenging to mourn while carrying out full daily...
by Libertarian Party | Aug 6, 2020 | News, Press Release
The Libertarian Party is proud to share this Press Release from the Libertarian Party of Texas FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Whitney Bilyeu, Chair of the Libertarian Party of Texas Email: Approaching 100 years since the ratification of the...
by Libertarian Party | Jul 22, 2020 | News, Press Release
20200722 PA Ballot Access P… by Executive Director on Scribd July 22nd, 2020 For Immediate Release: Libertarian Party Condemns Federal Court Decision Restricting Ballot Access In Pennsylvania The Libertarian Party is dismayed at the decision handed down...