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Excerpts from and links to other news sources and articles discussing the Libertarian Party. 2nd-tier stories.

Libertarian Party

Government Says You Owe Wall Street $3,278

Dear American Taxpayer, Like most Americans, I’m sure you were glued to the news about the "financial crisis" and the government’s "fix" for the problem.  You probably heard that the government was going to come in and save the mortgage industry by bailing out failing corporations.  And, you probably heard both Barack Obama and John […]

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Libertarian Party

Barr on Ike: ‘Let the People Go Home’

For Immediate Release Friday, September 19, 2008 “There is something inherently wrong with the government forcibly keeping people away from their homes and property,” says Bob Barr, the Libertarian Party’s nominee for president, in response to the government’s continuing and heavy-handed attempt to bar Hurricane Ike evacuees from returning to their homes in Texas. “There […]

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Libertarian Party

U.S. Should Talk to Iran, Says Bob Barr

For Immediate Release Friday, September 19, 2008 “While the Bush administration has steadfastly declined to engage in talks with the government of Iran, five former Secretaries of State – Republican and Democrat – recently exhibited a great deal more judgment and understanding of world affairs in calling for actual talks with Tehran,” Libertarian Presidential nominee […]

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Libertarian Party

“White House Upbeat on Economy, Defends AIG Move”

Did that Miami Herald headline grab your attention? It did to me. So what does the White House think about our economy? Good question. Here is their answer today from Press Secretary Dana Perino: "I recognize that this issue of ‘strength’ (of the economy) has come into the 2008 election," she said. "I’m not going […]

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Libertarian Party

LNC Passes Afghanistan Resolution

For Immediate Release Thursday, September 18, 2008 At the September meeting of the Libertarian National Committee, the following resolution was passed: WHEREAS the government of the United States should return to its historical libertarian tradition of avoiding entangling alliances, foreign quarrels, and military adventures; and WHEREAS the stability and security of Afghanistan lie outside the […]

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Libertarian Party

Another Federal Bailout: ‘I Told You So,’ Says Bob Barr

For Immediate Release Wednesday, September 17, 2008 ‘Richard Nixon once said that we are all Keynesians now, meaning that Republicans and Democrats alike believed in government micro-management of the economy,’ observes Bob Barr, the Libertarian Party candidate for president. ‘It appears that President George W. Bush should say that we are all socialists now,” says […]

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Libertarian Party

50 Days

Dear Libertarian Supporter, If you check out the front page of the Libertarian Party’s Web site, you will notice there are only 50 days left until the presidential election.   Just 50 days until we elect the next president of the United States.   It seems just yesterday that Bob Barr, our presidential nominee, took […]

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Libertarian Party

With All Due Respect, Sen. McCain…

Speaking in Florida today, Republican presidential nominee Sen. John McCain vowed that he would "clean up Wall Street."  "The McCain-Palin administration will replace the outdated and ineffective patchwork quilt of regulatory oversight in Washington and bring transparency and accountability to Wall Street," McCain said. "We will rebuild confidence in our markets and restore our leadership […]

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Libertarian Party

Bob Barr Wins Lawsuit in Pennsylvania

For Immediate Release Monday, September 15, 2008 “It’s a great day for Pennsylvania voters,” says Bob Barr, the Libertarian Party’s presidential nominee, after defeating a Republican challenge to his right to be on the ballot in Pennsylvania. The lawsuit, filed by a Republican Party official in Cumberland County, PA, sought to remove Barr’s name from […]

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Libertarian Party

N.C. Libertarian Candidates Propose Liberty Agenda

For Immediate Release Monday, September 15, 2008 Ending the state’s power to seize private property by forced annexation and eminent domain, improving public education through competition, restoring free, fair and open elections and cutting off corporate welfare, will be the top legislative priorities of Libertarians elected to the General Assembly. Thirteen candidates announced the Liberty […]

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Libertarian Party

America Needs ‘Surge’ in Fiscal Responsibility, Says Bob Barr

For Immediate Release Friday, September 12, 2008 ‘Sen. John McCain has made the ‘surge’ his trademark phrase,” said Bob Barr, the Libertarian Party presidential nominee. “He talks about the surge in Iraq, using a surge in urban neighborhoods, and replicating the surge elsewhere.” ‘What we need now is a surge in federal fiscal responsibility,’ says […]

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Libertarian Party

Barr Says President Should Implement the Constitution, Protect Our Liberties

For Immediate Release Friday, September 12, 2008 ‘Presidents have become celebrities,” says Bob Barr, the Libertarian Party nominee for president. “That may be one reason they believe they have been elected to transform the world rather than fulfill the responsibilities of their office.” “Sen. John McCain says that he wants to inspire Americans ‘to serve […]

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