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Excerpts from and links to other news sources and articles discussing the Libertarian Party. 2nd-tier stories.

Libertarian Party

Alternative Voice Needed in Final Debate

For Immediate Release Thursday, October 9, 2008 The presidential and vice-presidential “debates” are awful. The bloviating is excessive; the substance is minimal; and the moderating is bush league. Virtually no one has been satisfied with the debates so far–except perhaps Barack Obama’s campaign staff. The less substantive and contentious the debate is, and the less […]

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Libertarian Party

“Time” for change

In case you needed more evidence that the debt problem in the United States was getting out of control (largely thanks to "conservative" Republican presidents), the national debt clock has run out of room. It is important to note that the "national debt" is not some fictitious figure that the government will one day have […]

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Libertarian Party

Our First Radio Ad

Dear Libertarian Supporter, Last week, we asked you for ideas on radio ads for the Libertarian Party during the 2008 presidential election. 

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Libertarian Party

Bush Administration Hypes Danger to Justify Intervention

For Immediate Release Tuesday, October 7, 2008 “The Bush administration once again misled Americans into believing extreme danger was imminent and extraordinary U.S. government intervention was required to save our country,” says Bob Barr, the Libertarian Party’s presidential nominee. “And, once again, the intervention of the Bush administration has made things much worse.” “In 2003, […]

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Libertarian Party

Time to Appoint Judges Dedicated to Constitutional Liberty

For Immediate Release Tuesday, October 7, 2008 ‘The Supreme Court has begun another term, and it again possesses a full docket of critical cases,’ observes Bob Barr, the Libertarian Party candidate for president. ‘Judicial appointments are one of the most important issues in choosing the next president, but we don’t need conservative or liberal justices. […]

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Libertarian Party

Economic Chaos Increases After Congress Passes Bailout

For Immediate Release Monday, October 6, 2008 Will Sens. Obama and McCain Claim a Piece of this Rotten Fish They Helped Produce? Congress passed the $700 billion Wall Street bailout on Friday, supported by both Senators John McCain and Barack Obama. The U.S. stock market promptly dropped. Over the weekend the financial crisis threatened European […]

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Libertarian Party

Congressmen who sold-out the taxpayer

"We can’t afford the bailout. And we certainly cannot afford the misnamed ‘sweeteners’ intended to buy the votes of House members. Using money the government doesn’t have to persuade legislators to spend even more money they don’t have is a fiscal and moral outrage. Turning normal bills into fiscal Christmas trees is bad enough, but […]

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Libertarian Party

House Should Stand Firm and Kill the Wall Street Bailout

The people said no and, for once, the Congress listened. But all of the usual suspects, including both Senators John McCain and Barack Obama, rallied behind the administration’s ill-considered Wall Street bailout and pushed it through the Senate. Now the bailout’s supporters are going back to the House and hope to buy off enough votes […]

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Libertarian Party

Barr Blasts House for Caving on Bailout Bill

For Immediate Release Friday, October 3, 2008 Senate, White House Pressure Trumped Principle for 58 Members ‘It didn’t take much to buy a House vote, only about $130 billion in so-called sweeteners,’ says Bob Barr, the Libertarian Party candidate for president, referring to the 58 members of Congress who changed their vote from ‘no’ to […]

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Libertarian Party

Senators who voted ‘NO’ on the bailout

Allard (R)Barasso (R)Brownback (R)Bunning (R)Cantwell (D)Cochran (R)Crapo (R)DeMint (R)Dole (R)Dorgan (D)Enzi (R)Feingold (D) Inhofe (R)Johnson (D)Landrieu (D)Nelson (FL) (D)Roberts (R)Sanders (I)Sessions (R)Shelby (R)Stabenow (D)Tester (D)Vitter (R)Wicker (R)Wyden (D)

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Libertarian Party

John McCain’s Actions are not Bipartisan, They are Bipolar

For Immediate Release Thursday, October 2, 2008 “Sen. John McCain claims he can provide leadership, but he panicked in the face of cries that the sky is falling from Wall Street investors who made bad investments, and the taxpayers are going to pay over $700 billion for his lack of leadership,” says Libertarian Party Presidential […]

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