Archive | News

Excerpts from and links to other news sources and articles discussing the Libertarian Party. 2nd-tier stories.

Libertarian Party

California Needs Your Help!

California is about to vote on one of the most undemocratic proposals in the history of the state, Prop 14. As Debbie Tharp of the California Libertarian Party (CALP) explains, "Prop 14 (the top two initiative) allows voters to vote for any party they want in the primary elections, and it is being sold as […]

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Libertarian Party

LP Monday Message: NYT columnist just doesn’t get it

May 17, 2010 Dear Friend of Liberty, I’m pretty busy with preparations for our upcoming National Convention in St. Louis, so today’s Monday Message is a little briefer than usual. You might have noticed this New York Times editorial by Paul Krugman. In it, he says that libertarianism doesn’t work, and proves it by pointing […]

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Libertarian Party

Libertarians appear in two special elections in Georgia

On May 11, there were Libertarian candidates in two special elections for State Senate in Georgia. David Montané ran in District 42, getting 7.5 percent of the vote against two Democrats and an independent candidate. Brandon Givens ran in District 49, getting 8.1 percent against two Republicans. View the election results.

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Libertarian Party

Libertarians say Kagan is bad, but bigger problem exists

For Immediate Release Thursday, May 13, 2010 WASHINGTON – Wes Benedict, Executive Director of the Libertarian Party, issued the following statement today: “Elena Kagan is another bad pick for the Supreme Court. If confirmed, it is likely that she will vote on cases with the intent of advancing political policy goals. “Kagan will probably vote […]

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Libertarian Party

LP Monday Message: Liability limits make oil spills worse

May 10, 2010 Dear Friend of Liberty, You’ve probably seen a lot about the big BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Libertarians are sometimes attacked for not having good answers to environmental questions. In this case, I think there are problems that Republicans and Democrats in Congress have created, and Libertarians would have […]

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Libertarian Party

Michigan Libertarian chair writes against text ban

Emily Salvette, chair of the Michigan LP, writes in the Detroit Free Press in opposition to the new Michigan law banning all texting while driving: Will this law increase public safety? Probably not. It is intended to deter distracted driving that is reckless. But reckless driving is already illegal. Police can already issue tickets to […]

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Libertarian Party

Please ask someone you know to join the LP!

Dear Friend of Liberty, I hope you’ll try asking at least one other person to join the Libertarian Party and become a dues-paying member for a minimum of $25. I hope whoever you ask will agree and join our party, but I’m not asking you to follow up or worry too much about whether your […]

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Libertarian Party

Libertarian Christina Tobin appears on FOX’s Freedom Watch

On May 4th, Libertarian Party candidate Christina Tobin appeared on FOX’s ‘Freedom Watch’ with Judge Napolitano to discuss California’s upcoming vote on Prop 14. As Christina Tobin notes, Prop 14 "…is the biggest threat to third parties and independents in 60 years."   Watch the latest news video at

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Libertarian Party

LP Monday Message: Facebook Fans blow past 40,000!

May 3, 2010 Dear Friend of Liberty, Last Friday the number of fans on our Facebook fanpage surpassed 40,000! Facebook is one of the biggest social networking sites on the internet. Our fanpage provides a forum for thousands of people to discuss Libertarian ideas. A year ago, in April 2009, we only had 8,000 fans. […]

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