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Excerpts from and links to other news sources and articles discussing the Libertarian Party. 2nd-tier stories.

Libertarian Party

LP Monday Message: On civil liberties, Obama is worse than Bush

August 2, 2010 Dear Friend of Liberty, Last week it was reported that the Obama Administration wants to give the FBI power to force internet companies to reveal information about their users’ internet activities: things like who they send email to, times and dates of emails, and maybe also information about their web browser activity. […]

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Libertarian Party

How the city politicians of Bell, CA conned the low income taxpayers to unwittingly pay for their huge salaries

"The outrageous story of the hapless city of Bell, California is now widely known across the nation.  A group of city politicians led by City Manager Rizzo allegedly colluded to pay themselves obscene salaries in a poor city of under 40,000 residents.  The disgraced city manager has resigned, losing his $790,000 salary.  But not to […]

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Libertarian Party

Memorial Services for Libertarian Fred Childress

Many Libertarians throughout the U.S. have noted the recent death of Libertarian Fred Childress. Fred Childress was a friend to many Libertarians and a co-founder of the Tennessee Liberty Alliance. From the Tennessee Liberty Alliance: Tennessee Liberty Alliance President Fred Childress was tragically killed in a motorcycle accident on Saturday July 24th. He had embarked […]

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Libertarian Party

Nolan for U.S. Senate gets more media coverage

In the past two days, my Arizona campaign for U.S. Senate has received coverage from two additional news media. First, an interview by Jesse Mathewson at, and then another interview by James Burns on American Freedom Radio.  Both went well, and each provided an opportunity to spread libertarian ideas to the American people.

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Libertarian Party

Libertarians oppose record federal spending levels

For Immediate Release Wednesday, July 28, 2010 WASHINGTON – The White House’s Office of Management and Budget (OMB) recently released its Mid-Session Review . On reviewing the report, Libertarian Party Chair Mark Hinkle called the report’s spending projections “disappointing and troubling.” According to the report, federal spending was 24.7% of GDP in 2009, and is […]

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Libertarian Party

Tea Party Fave Looks Increasingly Loopy

When ultra-right Republican Sharron Angle won the GOP primary in Nevada on June 8, a number of Tea Party types were crowing about it, and heralding her victory as a harbinger of things to come. Even some libertarians, who should know better, were proclaiming Angle’s victory as “proof” that liberty lovers should work within the […]

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Libertarian Party

LP Monday Message: If Libertarians save one life

July 26, 2010 Dear Friend of Liberty, The War in Afghanistan has dragged on for almost nine years. According to the Washington Post, there have been 1,189 American military deaths, which is more than two per week. And of course, today’s big news about WikiLeaks raises a lot of questions about whether we’ve been honestly […]

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Libertarian Party

Poll says more support legalizing marijuana than oppose

A Rasmussen Reports poll released today says that 43% of Americans support legalizing marijuana, while 42% are opposed. Additionally, 75% of respondents favored the legalization of doctor-prescribed marijuana. The Libertarian Party sides with mainstream America on this issue. The LP has supported legalizing marijuana for decades.

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Libertarian Party

Intern Blog: Build the Islamic Cultural Center!

Recently, there has been uproar over plans to build an Islamic cultural center blocks away from Ground Zero in New York City. While the city council and Mayor Bloomberg are in favor of this project, conservative leaders such as Sarah Palin and other media pundits criticize its location by stating it’s “ too raw, too […]

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Libertarian Party

LP Member Stands Up for Smaller Government at Public Forum

On Thursday July 15th, Libertarian Party member and small business owner Debbie Schum stood up against Colorado’s big government establishment at an Orchard City public forum. The forum was intended to educate citizens on upcoming ballot measures designed to close loopholes in the state’s ‘Taxpayer Bill of Rights." Regarding the local news coverage on the […]

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