Newsweek on McAfee running for LP nomination

From a December 31, 2015 article in Newsweek on John McAfee, who recently declared his bid for the Libertarian nomination for president: “McAfee preaches open borders for immigrants and calls on the United States to disengage completely from the Middle...

101 potential candidates file in Texas

101 potential candidates have filed to run for office as Libertarians in Texas for the 2016 elections. The filing deadline was on December 14. Texas has the second-earliest filing deadline for non-establishment parties, behind Arkansas, whose 2016 candidates had to...

Early Christmas gift to LP

Many thanks to Michael Chastain of Austin, Texas for contributing $24,000 to the LP recently. He contributed $4,000 for Oklahoma ballot access plus $20,000 to help finance a major project to distribute door hangers in 2016 featuring the World’s...