Advanced Voting Methods can Save our Elections

Advanced Voting Methods can Save our Elections

This weekend, hundreds of Libertarians will be traveling to Sparks-Reno, NV to participate in the 2020 Libertarian National Convention. During this time the delegates representing all 50 states will be voting on proposed changes to the national platform and bylaws,...
Libertarians on Abortion

Libertarians on Abortion

Updated to remove platform language that was removed at the 2022 National Convention. On May 2, 2022 a leaked report showed that the Supreme Court of the United States would be overturning the 1973 Roe vs. Wade decision that affirmed that there is a Constitutional...
Turning Over a New Leaf

Turning Over a New Leaf

As Libertarians, we are accused of being recalcitrant and obstinate. We don’t play well with others and we fight amongst ourselves. Today, we wanted to change that. Today, we wanted to do something nice for once. The Libertarian Party is officially turning over a new...