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Press releases and fundraising related items

2018 Libertarian National Convention

2018 National Convention: SUPER early bird prices!

Dear Libertarian, Believe it or not, it is already time to make your plans for the next national convention! Last year’s national convention was the biggest (and most exciting, in my opinion) ever, and I’m confident that the 2018 convention is going to be very special also. I’m delighted to share with you that registration is now open […]

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Zakk Maher

Zakk Maher, county commissioner in Maine, switches from GOP to LP

Zakk Maher Another elected official has switched to the Libertarian Party, this time in Maine. Zakk Maher, a county commissioner for Androscoggin County, Maine, joined the Libertarian Party on Sept. 7 after having been elected to the seat last November as a Republican. Maher defeated the challenger with 63 percent of the vote, and his […]

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Special Event

Special Event – Political Persuasion

You are invited to a special conference call on Political Persuasion featuring Robin Koerner Monday, September 18 6 PM Pacific 7 PM Mountain 8 PM Central 9 PM Eastern Robin Koerner is a member of the faculty network for the Foundation for Economic Education, and political and economic commentator for the Huffington Post, Independent Voter Network, and other outlets. A […]

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Salt Lake City nurse Alex Wubbels was taken into custody for correctly defending her unconscious patient’s rights.

Libertarian Party calls for criminal prosecution of law-breaking cop

LP celebrates nurse who defended patient’s 4th Amendment rights “Arresting a nurse for following the Constitution against the orders of an out-of-control police officer is outrageous,” said Nicholas Sarwark, chair of the Libertarian National Committee. Police body-cam videos released on Thursday by the Salt Lake Tribune explicitly show Nurse Alex Wubbels being taken into custody […]

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All persons are entitled to keep the fruits of their labor. We call for the repeal of the income tax, the abolishment of the Internal Revenue Service and all federal programs and services not required under the U.S. Constitution.

Trump’s ‘major’ tax overhaul a major disappointment

Libertarians call for corresponding spending cuts to truly benefit Americans “President Trump’s proposal for a major tax overhaul addresses only one half of America’s economic problems,” said Libertarian National Committee Chair Nicholas Sarwark. “Trump’s proposal to cut the federal corporate income tax from 35 percent to 15 percent is merely a first step. American corporate […]

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Drug War

The New War on Drugs

Dear Libertarian, In a recent address to law enforcement officers, the President announced his commitment to the War on Drugs and said his administration would be “ruthless” in this war. He blames illegal drugs for 75-80 percent of the crime in our country. You and I know how arbitrary and manipulative that statistic is. The […]

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Special Event

Special Event – Dying with Dignity

You are invited to a special conference call on Dying with Dignity featuring Dr. Mary Ruwart Tuesday, September 5 6 PM Pacific 7 PM Mountain 8 PM Central 9 PM Eastern Dr. Mary J. Ruwart has been a libertarian activist and candidate since the 1980s. She is best known for her international best-selling libertarian primer, Healing Our World, which reaches […]

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The United States should both avoid entangling alliances and abandon its attempts to act as policeman for the world.

Libertarian response to latest North Korean missile launch

North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un just launched another missile, probably the country’s longest-range missile to date. The missile was launched in open defiance of President Donald Trump’s threats of fire and fury if further test launches and nuclear bomb development continue in North Korea. “Clearly, Trump’s bellicose threats had the opposite of the intended effect,” […]

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LP Chair Nicholas Sarwark speaking at microphone, wearing suit & tie (color photo)

Afghanistan and NATO

Dear Libertarian, You have probably heard the news about the President’s plan to increase American military involvement in Afghanistan. The Libertarian perspective is very different. After toppling the Afghan government almost sixteen years ago, the United States entered into nation building thinking that it would help improve corners of the world that terrorists find inviting. […]

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The United States should both avoid entangling alliances and abandon its attempts to act as policeman for the world.

As Trump’s warfare threats rise, Libertarians call for U.S. to withdraw from NATO

In response to the escalation of threats of warfare by the Donald Trump administration, the Libertarian National Committee adopted the following resolution at its quarterly meeting last weekend: “Resolved, the Libertarian National Committee calls for the immediate U.S. government withdrawal from NATO.” President Trump’s foreign policy seems to depend on which advisor he talked to […]

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Statue of Liberty

Standing up for Marcus and millions like him

Dear Libertarian, Yesterday, our chair Nicholas Sarwark, our executive director Wes Benedict, and I were sitting at the airport in Kansas City, waiting to fly home after this weekend’s national committee meeting. We were talking about politics, race, and how the Libertarian Party wants to help all people live better, freer, more prosperous lives. We […]

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