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Press releases and fundraising related items


20 days left until Election 2018

Dear Libertarian, We have 20 days until Election Day. Our team has been preparing for this moment for over a year. Over 800 Libertarian candidates will appear on ballots this November 6th. That’s a 35% increase from 2016! Your support and generosity has been instrumental in preparation for the midterm elections, and now we need […]

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Lucy Brenton is running as the Libertarian Party candidate for U.S. Senate from Indiana. On Oct. 8, 2018, the Indiana Debate Commission staged a debate between Brenton and her Democratic and Republican opponents, airing on cable network C-SPAN2.

Libertarian candidates are great in debates, so opponents collude to exclude them

On Oct. 8, the Indiana Debate Commission staged a debate between candidates on the ballot for senator from Indiana, Republican Mike Braun, Democratic incumbent Joe Donnelly, and Libertarian Lucy Brenton. Lucy arguably won the debate, and invited people to follow her with the hashtag #ILoveLucy. Even Donnelly said, “I love Lucy too.” This particular debate […]

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Brandon Phinney

Ballot access and Brandon Phinney

Dear Libertarian, The national party works very hard throughout the election cycle to chip away at laws and other barriers that keep Libertarian candidates off ballots. There are countless stories about why this is important but allow me to share one with you today. Many Libertarians recognize Brandon Phinney’s name and know that he is […]

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All persons are entitled to keep the fruits of their labor. We call for the repeal of the income tax, the abolishment of the Internal Revenue Service and all federal programs and services not required under the U.S. Constitution.

Income tax anniversary is another day that will live in infamy

Oct. 3 is the anniversary of the costliest law ever enacted upon American taxpayers. On that day in 1913, President Woodrow Wilson signed the Revenue Act of 1913, the first post–Civil War income tax. Once constitutional objections to an income tax were eliminated by the 16th Amendment, Congress wasted little time in passing one. The […]

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Amber Christiansen Beltran

Meet one of the candidates you have helped!

Dear Libertarian, One of the goals of the national party this election cycle is to get more Libertarians elected to state house seats. There are several races in western states that are particularly opportune for us because they are in areas that require low vote totals to win, are cost-effective to campaign in, where we […]

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We support the removal of governmental impediments to free trade.

USMCA is basically just NAFTA under a new name

On Oct. 1, President Donald Trump announced the negotiation of The United States Mexico Canada Agreement (USMCA), to replace the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). The trade deal was conveniently announced to provide Trump a trade “win” just ahead of the midterm elections, changing the subject from the Supreme Court nomination hearings, but it […]

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Make freedom your single issue.

All Libertarians say no to sexual assault

Whenever somebody joins the Libertarian Party, they first thing they are asked to do is to check the box next to these words: “I certify that I oppose the initiation of force to achieve political or social goals.” This is often called the non-aggression principle. Libertarians are unalterably opposed to using force or fraud in […]

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All persons are entitled to keep the fruits of their labor. We call for the repeal of the income tax, the abolishment of the Internal Revenue Service and all federal programs and services not required under the U.S. Constitution.

SCOTUS circus distracts public from passage of disastrous spending bills

As political news is embroiled in congressional hearings for U.S. Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and sexual assault allegations made against him, Congress is also busy quietly passing staggering spending bills with bipartisan support. “In front of the cameras, Democrats and Republicans in Congress are distracting us with a he-said-she-said reality show,” said Libertarian National […]

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Field Teams

Help elect Libertarians to state legislatures!

Dear Libertarian, We are on a mission to elect more Libertarians to state legislatures! There are several candidates running in Western states, in races that are particularly opportune for us. To help them campaign as aggressively as possible, we’ve deployed two field teams to help in these targeted races. Would you please pitch in? $25 […]

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I Vote Libertarian

FREE shipping at LP Store!

Campaign season has arrived! Do you have all the Libertarian gear you need? LP Store is offering FREE shipping from now until the end of the month. Just use coupon code LP18 at checkout!

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Store shelves at a Publix supermarket in Winter Haven, Fla., before Hurricane Irma struck in September 2017. Photo by Andrew Heneen (CC BY 4.0).

Higher prices help prevent empty shelves during natural disasters

Store shelves at a Publix supermarket in Winter Haven, Fla., before Hurricane Irma struck in September 2017.Photo by Andrew Heneen (CC BY 4.0). As Hurricane Florence reaches the eastern seaboard, people in the storm’s path have gathered necessities to ready themselves for potential disaster. These preparations have also brought a litany of warnings about price […]

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