Archive | Features

Press releases and fundraising related items

Joseph and Ethan Bishop-Henchman

Gay Libertarian couple outpolls GOP in DC

Joseph Bishop-Henchman and Ethan Bishop-Henchman are married, and they each ran for public office in Washington, D.C., as Libertarian Party candidates. Joseph ran for D.C. attorney general, and although he didn’t win, he received 14,000 votes. Ethan ran for D.C. City Council chair and received even more votes, 17,000. Both of them outpolled the highest […]

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Jeff Sessions

The good and bad of Jeff Sessions getting fired

On Nov. 7, President Donald Trump demanded the resignation of U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions, effectively firing him from the position. Sessions had a dismal and destructive track record of supporting prohibitionist policies, draconian border controls and inhumane enforcement tactics, and authoritarian brutality in law enforcement. It’s good that he’s gone. Sessions will be replaced, […]

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Politics in America: Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians

Libertarian candidates move Republicans and Democrats in a Libertarian direction

Opposition in an election affects far more than just vote totals. Candidates react to each other and their messaging changes to capture voter interest. Over and over, electoral races that include a strong Libertarian campaign have proven to move the rhetoric of both Democratic and Republican candidates in a more Libertarian direction. As Republicans worry […]

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We the People are taking a stand

‘We The People’ membership drive

We the people are taking a stand… join us as a member. Your Libertarian Party membership sends a clear signal to the Rs and Ds that you want better, and demand better, from our electoral system and that you support liberty-focused ideas and solutions. Your membership dues help fund our critical outreach and projects.

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Nicholas Sarwark and his son Zane


Friend, Over the past two years, we put so much into preparing for the 2018 elections. On Election Day, we made gains across the country that are the fruit of those labors and investments. We sent you a press release yesterday outlining some of these achievements. The 2018 election cycle brought the rhetoric that we […]

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2018 Libertarian Election Results

Libertarians win local races, achieve ballot access, prevail on initiatives

The Nov. 6 election brought several significant victories for the Libertarian Party, including winning local races for public office in Florida, Kentucky, Minnesota, and Tennessee. Even in some states without a winning candidate, Libertarian vote totals were high enough to secure the party’s ballot access for future elections in Indiana, Massachusetts, New York, Oklahoma, Wyoming, […]

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Make freedom your single issue.

Vote Libertarian Today!

Dear Libertarian, I am asking you to vote today. Libertarians are notorious for not voting. This hurts our cause. I know all the lines about how “it is just one vote” and “it won’t make a difference.” But collectively, it does make a difference … sometimes a HUGE difference. The vast majority of you will […]

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8 key ballot access races

8 key ballot access races

Each election cycle, the Libertarian Party works hard to get our candidates on as many ballots across the country as we can. The results on Election Day will determine how much time, money, and effort will be needed to achieve ballot access in 50 states plus D.C. for our 2020 presidential nominee, just as we […]

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I vote Libertarian

Want to achieve real change? Vote Libertarian

We’ve all heard the old George Santayana adage, often paraphrased as “those who don’t study history are doomed to repeat it.” A New Yorker cartoon by Tom Toro added a new angle: “Yet those who do study history are doomed to stand by helplessly while everyone else repeats it.” As we approach another national election, […]

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Vote like your liberty depends on it.

2018 Libertarian Party candidates

This year, we have about 800 Libertarians representing us on ballots across the country! This is a 35 percent increase from the 2016 election. View our full list of candidates to find out which ones are on your ballot, and vote for them on Nov. 6!

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William Hunt Jr.

Libertarian candidates receive major endorsements

William Hunt Jr. At least three Libertarian Party candidates for public office have received recent endorsements by major media. The latest to receive such an endorsement is William Hunt Jr., the Libertarian Party candidate for Rhode Island House of Representatives in District 68, who received the endorsements of two prominent Rhode Island Democrats and two […]

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