Would you like to spend a few minutes each day thinking about Libertarian political solutions in order to sharpen one’s own views on timely issues and be equipped for those water cooler discussions? Of course you do, and Gary Johnson’s 2012 running mate and contender for the 2020 Libertarian presidential nomination Judge Jim Gray has written the perfect book for you: 2 Paragraphs 4 Liberty. This book is a compilation of weekly columns authored by Gray beginning in 2015 and set up in a way reminiscent of a daily mediation. Each page is home to one of these two-paragraphs columns on a single subject ending with an inspirational or humorous quote.

The tone of the discussions and solutions is geared to the more moderate Libertarian, but even as someone more radical in my ideology, I thoroughly enjoyed it. This book is a great addition to any outreach toolbox, and a great gift for the libertarian-curious family member. Dr. Gray has generously agreed to donate any proceeds from its sale to the Libertarian Party so please do consider picking up several copies. It is a win-win for everyone and for liberty.

Book review by Caryn Ann Harlos, LP Secretary

The book can be purchased on Judge Jim Gary’s website