from the Libertarian Party of Nebraska


August 2, 2010

Contact: Gene Siadek, State Chair

Libertarian Party Of Nebraska turns in 8,000 signatures
Signatures Gained from all Three Congressional Districts and 78 Counties
Expected to Put Libertarians Back on the Ballot in the Cornhusker State

LINCOLN – August 2, 2010—Libertarian Party of Nebraska (LPNE) State Chairman Gene Siadek issued the following statement:

“Today we submitted 8,000 signatures collected from across the state. We believe this indicates that Nebraskans are tired of the ‘politics as usual’ offerings of the two other parties. Our objective since the beginning of this drive has been to give Nebraskans a choice in who represents them.

5,934 signatures were required, with around 2,000 coming from each Congressional District.

“We applaud the efforts of our in-state petition circulators, both paid and volunteer.

“Special thanks go out to all the voters that signed our petitions. These voters; Democrats, Republicans, and Non-Partisans, seemed to appreciate that everyone should be included in the political process.

“Finally, we would like to thank the staff of the Secretary of State’s office. The timely responses to our requests for information were of great help before and during this important effort.

“We are confident the petitions we have turned-in to the Secretary of State meet all the requirements of Nebraska law and eagerly await confirmation by the State.
