Rob Sarvis,
LP Virginia
Candidate for Governor
Breaking news: Roanoke Times calls for inclusion of Sarvis in governor debates
The Libertarian Party message of cutting the size and scope of government is gaining traction in Virginia. Robert Sarvis, the Virginia LP’s candidate for governor, is polling at 7 percent in results released Tuesday by Public Policy Polling (PPP) — beating the margin of difference between between his Republican and Democratic challengers.
In his campaign, Sarvis has focused consistently on reducing government, with proposals to end the income tax, implement school choice, legalize marijuana, decriminalize harder drugs, reform asset forfeiture laws, reverse the militarization of police, and fight for marriage equality. His Democratic opponent, Terry McAuliffe, leads the poll at 41 percent, and his Republican opponent, Kenneth Cuccinelli II, received 37 percent — a margin of only 4 percent — but they both plan to raise taxes, increase spending, and further entrench the government’s power to control people’s lives through endless regulation. The election will be held on November 5.
PPP suggested in its release that the Libertarian Party message of small government that Sarvis brings to the Virginia gubernatorial race is polling higher than the margin because the state’s voters are ready for a change from the same tired big-government policies the Republican and Democratic challengers represent.
“His support is a reflection of voter unhappiness with both candidates,” PPP’s director, Tom Jensen, said.
This is the first time that Sarvis has been included in polling for the race, and his strong initial showing has earned notice from the Washington Times, the Roanoke Times, Politico, and Fox 5 in Washington, D.C., among others.
“Virginia voters are hungry for something different,” Sarvis said in a Fox 5 interview. “They’re tired of the Republican and Democratic parties — and these candidates in particular. And they’re looking for something else.”
This is only the latest wave of coverage for Sarvis, who has already made significant inroads with area media. He was featured recently in a lengthy interview on ABC 7, and the Richmond Times-Dispatch quoted Sarvis after a Charlottesville poll in early July showed that more than 36 percent of voters had no idea who they would vote for in the governor’s race.
“Voters I meet on the campaign trail are very dissatisfied with the choices put forward by the major parties and are enthusiastic about my candidacy, and my message,” Sarvis said in the article.
Campaign website: RobertSarvis.com
Facebook page: FB.com/RobertSarvisVA