Dear Friend of Liberty,

First I’d like to thank the 2010 convention delegates for electing me to serve as your new Libertarian National Committee Chairman. I hope to tell you more about our future plans, but right now I need your help to fend off an immediate threat to the Libertarian Party.

Please donate $1,000, $100, or whatever you can to help pay for our radio ads to fight Proposition 14 in California, the “Top Two” elections proposition.

Proposition 14 would limit the November ballot to only two choices. The way the plan is set up, those choices will almost always be Republicans and Democrats. Other parties like us will be forced off the ballot early, which guarantees that only Republicans and Democrats will have access to the voters in the November election campaign.

We sent a press release on this yesterday.

Special interest groups are spending millions of dollars to promote this plan, to ensure that no one can compete against their hand-picked candidates in November.

Last Friday, at the last meeting of their term, the Libertarian National Committee (LNC) voted to approve $10,000 to spend on radio ads fighting Proposition 14. Our newly elected LNC thinks the threat is so significant, they voted to spend another $15,000 on these radio ads. You can listen to the ad here.

A similar election system was passed in Washington State in 2008, and it has made things much more difficult for the Washington LP. I’m concerned that if this passes in California too, it could start a nationwide trend and threaten Libertarians around the country.

If you are unable to donate, but have some time available, we could use your help to make phone calls to California voters. The election is this coming Tuesday, so we need your help right away. To volunteer, call the LP California office at 877-884-1776. You can also email, or visit this website.

You do not need to be in California to help make phone calls. We have an easy-to-use system and can train you in about 15 minutes. And we especially need people willing to put in a couple of hours per day between now and Tuesday.

Two recent polls showed support for Proposition 14 at 60% and 52%. We’re hopeful that our advertising and phoning will help bring that support down in the final days leading up to the election. We can’t guarantee success, but we’re not sitting idly by — we’re putting up a fight!

Please help by sending $100, $500, or even $1,000 right away.


Mark Hinkle
Chairman, Libertarian National Committee