April 2021 Elections — 44% Victories!

April 2021 Elections — 44% Victories!

Wednesday night, candidate coordinator Cara Schulz announced the exciting results achieved by Libertarian candidates this week. Seven brand new elected Libertarians — for an overall 44% victory rate! Forty-four percent! Thanks to your hard work and generous donations,...
LNC Resolution on Vaccine Passports

LNC Resolution on Vaccine Passports

WHEREAS; the Federal, State, and Local governments of the United States have been inept in the handling of the SARS-CoV-2 virus pandemic and have not been forthright, righteous, nor consistent in their advice and legislation.WHEREAS; pharmaceutical companies had the...
Your right to defend yourself is under attack!

Your right to defend yourself is under attack!

Your right to defend yourself is With the tragic deaths of over a dozen legally disarmed Americans in Georgia and Colorado earlier this month as a shield, Democrats in Washington, D.C. increased their push for ever more restrictions on legal firearms ownership. In...