Search results for ""Wes Benedict""


Generations of Libertarians

Dear friend, Generations of Libertarians have dreamt of what we saw this year: major leaps in Libertarian votes, major coverage by news outlets nationwide, and major strides for the LP. Please pause with me to thank and acknowledge all that have come before us. Our founders. Our activists. Our donors. Our candidates. Our voters. Each […]

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Convention 27

Our next step

Dear Libertarian, As I shared with you on Monday, we made tremendous progress on Election Day when we retained or gained ballot access in 37 states plus D.C., the highest ever after an election in the party’s history. The previous best was 31, after the November 2012 election. This is a huge leap forward for […]

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Election update, party at headquarters, I.T. volunteers

Dear Libertarian, We are still collecting election results for our six hundred Libertarian candidates and will have detailed reports to share with you in the coming days. Some highlights follow, but, first, a couple of announcements. Party at Headquarters! The Libertarian Party will host a party at our headquarters in Alexandria, VA to celebrate 2016 successes. […]

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Pause to thank Johnson & Weld

I wanted to pause for a moment to thank Governors Gary Johnson and Bill Weld for running for President and Vice President. Running for office as a Libertarian can be a very rewarding activity, but it’s also very challenging. I am so glad to have two such highly qualified people representing the Libertarian Party at […]

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Libertarian Party

Hiring Libertarian packaging interns

The Libertarian National Committee is seeking to hire an intern or two for the Fall semester, but preferably someone who can start working right away. Sales at our web store have skyrocketed in recent weeks beyond our wildest imaginations, and using existing staff and volunteers to pack and ship the items simply has not […]

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Libertarian Party

Hiring 20 paid petitioners urgently – interested?

Libertarians, we’re hiring and paying $3 per signature in Illinois, $2.50 in Pennsylvania, $2.50 in Connecticut, and need volunteers in Ohio too, right away! There are no donation links in this email (for once). Only instructions on how to get hired. Some of the work may last until September. I need to hire a lot […]

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Libertarian Party

Daily Caller: LP membership has skyrocketed in the last year

From The Daily Caller on May 4: “The Libertarian Party has experienced massive growth in both membership and donors over the past year as it heads into a presidential election hoping to get record support. “Is it the perfect situation for the third-party? ‘In many ways it is,’ Wes Benedict, executive director of the Libertarian […]

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Libertarian Party

Libertarian presidential debate to air on Stossel Show Tonight

For Immediate Release Friday, April 1, 2016 Part One of the first, nationally-televised, pre-convention, Libertarian presidential debate will air tonight, April 1, on Fox Business Network’s Stossel Show at 9 PM ET. Part Two will air on April 8. The nation’s third largest political party, Libertarians represent a growing plurality of Americans who are neither […]

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Libertarian Party

Good News! Libertarian debate on TV, moderated by Stossel

Dear Libertarian,   It’s official!   There will be a debate of Libertarian presidential candidates on TV this year!   Many thanks to John Stossel and FOX Business Network for making this happen. A nationally televised debate is long overdue and we are delighted that it is finally happening.   You may be aware that the Libertarian […]

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Libertarian Party

Donate for student outreach

Dear Libertarian, Last year we got 300 students to join the LP for free and handed out over $2,500 worth of Libertarian T-shirts, books, and hats at the International Students For Liberty conference.    Will you donate to help me do it again?     I’ve got a supply of shirts and things ready to go, but […]

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