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Libertarian Party

LPND gubernatorial candidate interviewed by Bismarck Tribune

Marty Riske Marty Riske, the North Dakota LP candidate for Governor and former LPND chair, was interviewed on April 7 by the Bismarck Tribune, the largest daily newspaper in the state. “As governor, I would work to drastically shrink government and the spending that comes with it, along with restoring your personal liberties and freedom […]

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Libertarian Party

Weathers running for city council in South Dakota April 12

Tricia Weathers April 12 may be the first time a Libertarian in South Dakota has ever been elected to office. Tricia Weathers is running for the Box Elder City Council. Box Elder is a city of approximately 9,300 people in the western part of the state, east of Rapid City and near Ellsworth Air Force […]

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Libertarian Party

Libertarian presidential debate to air on Stossel Show Tonight

For Immediate Release Friday, April 1, 2016 Part One of the first, nationally-televised, pre-convention, Libertarian presidential debate will air tonight, April 1, on Fox Business Network’s Stossel Show at 9 PM ET. Part Two will air on April 8. The nation’s third largest political party, Libertarians represent a growing plurality of Americans who are neither […]

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Libertarian Party

Reason: A better choice for 2016

John Stossel “Trump! Clinton! Is that all there is? No. Fortunately, we have other choices. “A recent poll shows that if the election were held today, 11 percent of Americans would vote for a Libertarian, former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson. That’s surprising, since last election Johnson got just 1 percent of the vote. “This […]

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Libertarian Party

LPMN Executive Director Kevin Bradley on Minnesota Public Radio

Kevin Bradley Minnesota Libertarian Party Executive Director Kevin Bradley appeared on the Minnesota Public Radio show Morning Edition on March 25, to discuss the possibility of the state’s former governor, Jesse Ventura, running for the Libertarian Party 2016 Presidential nomination. Click here to read the article and listen to the interview.

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Libertarian Party

California city sues Aaron Starr, the man who wants to repeal sewer rate hikes at the ballot box

Aaron Starr The city of Oxnard, California is heading to court in an attempt to stave off a resident’s effort to overturn sewer rate hikes at the ballot box, the city announced Wednesday evening. The city is suing former LNC treasurer and long time LP activist Aaron Starr, who earlier this month filed paperwork for a planned signature drive […]

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Libertarian Party

Gary Johnson interviewed by the New York Times

Gary Johnson The New York Times ran a feature story on March 22 on Gary Johnson, a candidate for the 2016 Libertarian Party Presidential nomination. “…the anti-Trump movement’s only hope to save the party might be a Libertarian. According to Julia Azari, a professor of political science at Marquette University, a Trump victory would actually prove […]

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Libertarian Party

Gary Johnson interviewed by CNBC

Gary Johnson Gary Johnson, a candidate for the 2016 Libertarian Party Presidential nomination, was interviewed on March 19 by CNBC. “I do believe that the vast majority of the people in this country are libertarian; they just don’t know it yet,” said Mr. Johnson. Click here to read the interview.

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Libertarian Party

Good News! Libertarian debate on TV, moderated by Stossel

Dear Libertarian,   It’s official!   There will be a debate of Libertarian presidential candidates on TV this year!   Many thanks to John Stossel and FOX Business Network for making this happen. A nationally televised debate is long overdue and we are delighted that it is finally happening.   You may be aware that the Libertarian […]

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Libertarian Party

Convention speakers: Adam Kokesh and more!

Speaker Update   The 2016 Libertarian National Convention is sure to be an exciting one, with the nomination of our Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates, the election of our party’s officers, other important business, and compeling speakers including the ones featured below.   Over the next couple of months, we’ll update you regularly with new […]

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