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Libertarian Party

Detroit News endorses Gary Johnson for President

From the Detroit News on September 29: “Today this newspaper does something it has never done in its 143-year history: endorse someone other than the Republican candidate in a presidential contest. “Since its founding in 1873, The Detroit News has backed a Republican every time it has made a presidential endorsement (three times we have […]

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Detroit News endorses Gary Johnson for President

Detroit News | September 29, 2016 | Endorsement: Libertarian Gary Johnson for President  | Excerpts: “Today this newspaper does something it has never done in its 143-year history: endorse someone other than the Republican candidate in a presidential contest. “Since its founding in 1873, The Detroit News has backed a Republican every time it has made a presidential […]

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Libertarian Party

LNC vice chair: A minor league debate, focusing on minor league issues

Arvin Vohra From Libertarian National Committee vice chair Arvin Vohra: What you saw Monday night: a minor league debate, focusing on minor league ideas. By excluding Gary Johnson’s ideas, the debate missed: 1. Ending the War on Drugs, reducing violent crime. 2. Ending the Patriot Act, protecting privacy. 3. Shutting down foreign bases and bringing […]

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Libertarian Party

McClatchy DC: Presidential debate may have helped Gary Johnson

From a forum of  undecided North Carolina voters who gathered to watch the first presidential debate, according to on September 27: “Kae Roberts and Jay Eardly were leaning toward Hillary Clinton before Monday night’s debate. “By the end, they had both pulled away.   “John Kokos and Hank Federal were undecided going in, potential […]

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Libertarian Party

Sampling of Gary Johnson’s Live Tweets During the Presidential Debate

In lieu of being on the presidential debate state, where Libertarian Gov. Gary Johnson belonged last night, he live tweeted in response to points discussed.  Here’s a sampling of what he wrote: Trump and Clinton talked about bringing jobs back to the U.S.  Johnson’s response: “Free trade, not isolationism, is what will lead to more U.S. […]

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Libertarian Party

LA Times: The presidential race in Arizona was already tight. Then voters started noticing Gary Johnson

From the Los Angeles Times on September 21: “Under a scorching September sun, Lauren McCarthy and Anthony Fraijo were unflaggingly chipper as they buttonholed Arizona State University students with one question: ‘Are you happy with the two major parties?’ “The two recent college graduates were looking to coax voters over to a third option, the Libertarian presidential […]

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Libertarian Party

Gary Johnson Balanced Rebellion ad viewed over 23 million times online

On Aug. 29, AdWeek described an ad released the prior week: “Funded by Alternative PAC, a Johnson supporter, the five-minute video promotes a movement called Balanced Rebellion, which…aims to match voters one-to-one with others who are disappointed in the major-party choices for leader of the free world…” “[The] political ad starring ‘Dead Abe Lincoln’ [tells] […]

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Libertarian Party

Richmond Times-Dispatch: Let Gary Johnson debate

From an editorial by the Richmond Times-Dispatch on September 17: “Few points in politics are undebatable, but here’s one that is: If the National Commission on Presidential Debates — which claims that its core mission is to educate voters — refuses to allow Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson onto the big stage with Donald Trump […]

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Libertarian Party

Huffington Post: Hillary Clinton’s Health Situation Necessitates Libertarian Gary Johnson To Be In The Presidential Debates

From the Huffington Post on September 14: “A lot has been made over whether Libertarian Gary Johnson — who is on the ballot in all 50 states, has about 15 million supporters already, and is known as a socially liberal/fiscally conservative candidate — will get into the upcoming presidential debates on September 26. So far […]

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