Search results for "border"

Salt Lake City nurse Alex Wubbels was taken into custody for correctly defending her unconscious patient’s rights.

Libertarian Party calls for criminal prosecution of law-breaking cop

LP celebrates nurse who defended patient’s 4th Amendment rights “Arresting a nurse for following the Constitution against the orders of an out-of-control police officer is outrageous,” said Nicholas Sarwark, chair of the Libertarian National Committee. Police body-cam videos released on Thursday by the Salt Lake Tribune explicitly show Nurse Alex Wubbels being taken into custody […]

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All persons are entitled to keep the fruits of their labor. We call for the repeal of the income tax, the abolishment of the Internal Revenue Service and all federal programs and services not required under the U.S. Constitution.

Trump’s ‘major’ tax overhaul a major disappointment

Libertarians call for corresponding spending cuts to truly benefit Americans “President Trump’s proposal for a major tax overhaul addresses only one half of America’s economic problems,” said Libertarian National Committee Chair Nicholas Sarwark. “Trump’s proposal to cut the federal corporate income tax from 35 percent to 15 percent is merely a first step. American corporate […]

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Drug War

The New War on Drugs

Dear Libertarian, In a recent address to law enforcement officers, the President announced his commitment to the War on Drugs and said his administration would be “ruthless” in this war. He blames illegal drugs for 75-80 percent of the crime in our country. You and I know how arbitrary and manipulative that statistic is. The […]

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Libertarians condemn bigotry as irrational and repugnant

Libertarian National Committee Executive Director Wes Benedict issued the following statement: The Libertarian Party condemns bigotry as irrational and repugnant, and offers its condolences to the family of the woman killed in Charlottesville, Va. There is no room for racists and bigots in the Libertarian Party. If there are white nationalists who — inappropriately — […]

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sarwark at fancy farm

LNC chair speaks at huge Fancy Farm gathering in Kentucky

LNC Chair Nicholas Sarwark speaking at the Fancy Farm picnic in Kentucky. Every year, St. Jerome’s Parish in Mayfield, Ky., holds the Fancy Farm Picnic, a community event with barbecue, games, a 5k run, and political speeches. The event was designated by the Guinness Book of World Records as the “world’s largest picnic” in 1985, […]

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Join LNC Chair Nicholas Sarwark in Puerto Rico for Liberty International World Conference

The world is transforming more rapidly every year, and Liberty International has spent nearly five decades bringing together a worldwide community of libertarians dedicated to fostering the ideas of a free society. This year’s Liberty International World Conference, “How to Find Freedom in Our Fast-Changing World,” is being held in Puerto Rico on Aug. 8–12, […]

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Carla Howell

Thanks to Carla Howell for her service as national LP political director

Carla Howell’s contract to serve as political director for the Libertarian National Committee (LNC) ends on June 30. On behalf of the many Libertarians who have benefited from her contributions, we thank her for her service. Carla Howell has had a strong positive influence on Libertarian Party communications since she came on board at the LP headquarters […]

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Rectangle with LNC torch-eagle logo and text: LP News Latest issue released!

LP News June 2017 issue is now online

The June issue of LP News is ready to view online. Click here to read coverage of election victories, elected officials joining the Libertarian Party, campaign activities, national and affiliate party accomplishments, and more.

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Pete Rohrman

Military personnel a vital part of Libertarian Party

Pete Rohrman 2017 Libertarian for Gov (NJ) Infantry Platoon Sergeant Marine Corps May 31, 2017 Today the Libertarian National Committee passed the following resolution pertaining to U.S. military policy and the importance of present and former military personnel in the party’s membership: “Whereas, We support the maintenance of a sufficient military to defend the United States […]

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LPMT logo

Montana race shows Libertarian votes can no longer be ignored

Libertarian Mark Wicks Libertarian Mark Wicks won 6 percent of the vote in Montana’s race for the state’s only U.S. House seat yesterday, demonstrating, once again, that America’s third largest political party is routinely in play in key elections. While Wicks’ vote fell shy of beating Republican Greg Gianforte’s 7-point lead over Democrat Rob Quist, […]

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