Search results for ""Wes Benedict""

Libertarian Party

Religion Poll and Christian Libertarian Conference in Austin August 7-8

Dear Libertarian, Results from our poll asking Libertarians to name their religion are in! Below we compare the Libertarian responses to Americans overall. Religion Libertarians Americans* Catholic 10% 25% Baptist 5% 16% Methodist 3% 5% Lutheran 3% 4% Mormon 3% 1% Other Christian 25% 25% Jewish 2% 1% Eastern Religions 2% 1% Muslim 1% 1% Other Non-Christian […]

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Libertarian Party

Poll: What religion are Libertarians?

Dear Libertarian, The First Amendment to the Constitution says “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. . .” In religion, as in all things, Libertarians are a diverse group. I think this is one of the great beauties of Libertarianism. We have devout Christians working side-by-side […]

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Libertarian Party

LPHQ anniversary party on July 18; see video from last year!

Next week, the Libertarian National Committee and the Libertarian Party of Northern Virginia will host a reception to celebrate the one-year anniversary of the opening of the party’s David F. Nolan Memorial Headquarters. You won’t want to miss this if you’re in the area! Admission is free though contributions to help pay off the mortgage […]

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Libertarian Party

My favorite Libertarian activism ever?

Dear Libertarian, Here’s a way to promote Libertarianism AND get very positive feedback from the public. Keep reading to learn how to join me and Libertarians nationwide this July 4th to promote freedom in your city or neighborhood. I doubt you can find another outreach activity that will give you as much immediate positive feedback […]

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Libertarian Party

Re: please help us with ballot access

Dear Libertarian, Our petitioners in Arkansas have made great progress since I wrote to you on 3/27/2015. They’ve collected 8,972 raw signatures as of last week. We plan to spend $25,000 on this important petition drive. We just mailed a letter in a yellow envelope asking for donations to help support this effort. If you […]

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Libertarian Party

Texas Republican attacks Libertarian voting rights

For Immediate Release Monday, April 13, 2015 Republican state representative Drew Springer of Muenster, Texas has filed HB 464, a bill to require minor party nominees to pay filing fees. Libertarian National Committee executive director Wes Benedict commented, “Republican Drew Springer’s bill is a poll tax on minor parties, including the Libertarian Party. It’s an […]

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Libertarian Party

New Spanish brochure plus price cuts

Dear Libertarian, Our basic Libertarian party brochure is now available at in Spanish. Additionally, we’ve simplified our pricing model and slashed prices overall. Instead of offering free shipping and various volume discounts, we now have a single $5 shipping charge per order, but prices are far less on almost every item. All brochures are […]

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Libertarian Party

Please help us with ballot access

We recently signed an agreement with the Libertarian Party of Arkansas to pay $25,000 for ballot access petition signatures. Please make a donation to help to pay for this important ballot access effort. The LP Arkansas is one of our most improved state affiliates over the past four years, thanks largely to the leadership of […]

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Libertarian Party

Report on Students For Liberty event

I’d like to thank everyone who supported the Libertarian Party’s recent outreach efforts at the 2015 International Students For Liberty Conference. I felt like the Libertarian Party’s message was very well received. The students attending the conference had strong libertarian leanings. I was especially inspired to hear the auditorium full of students cheer when Vicente […]

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Libertarian Party

Libertarian Party at the Students For Liberty conference this weekend

The Libertarian Party will be participating at the Students For Liberty conference, being held this Friday, Saturday, and Sunday at the Marriott Wardman Park hotel, 2660 Woodley Rd, Washington, DC 20008. The LP will have a booth at the event, and Executive Director Wes Benedict, LNC Vice-chair Arvin Vohra, Political Director Carla Howell, and LNC […]

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Libertarian Party

Update: Help me reach out to student libertarians

We’ve raised $2,728.55 towards our $4,500 goal for the Students For Liberty conference. $2,028.55 has been raised on our Piryx page, plus another $700 by PayPal. If you prefer to contribute by PayPal, click here or visit and type “students” in the comment box at the bottom. Please donate to help us reach our […]

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Libertarian Party

Help me reach out to student libertarians

I need your help to recruit students into the Libertarian Party. A new and fast-growing organization called Students For Liberty is hosting its annual conference in Washington, DC, February 13-15. Students For Liberty is run by libertarian activists, and their focus is educating students about libertarianism. Its founder, Alexander McCobin, spoke at our Libertarian National […]

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