Dear Libertarian,

Thank you for your support of the Libertarian Party.

Devoted Libertarians such as you are critical for the growth of our party and we are grateful for you.

Have you considered joining as a Lifetime Member?

As a Lifetime Member, you’ll be a member for life. No need to renew.

You’ll receive a lifetime subscription to LP News, be listed on our website, and receive our prestigious Lifetime Membership pin.

As you know, over the course of 2016, the Libertarian Party rolled out our new logo on various pieces ranging from bumperstickers and brochures on up to shirts, websites, and other pieces.

And today we unveil our new Lifetime Membership pin!

Many of our Lifetime Members take great pride in wearing their Lifetime Membership pin at party functions.

Lifetime Memberships are currently $1,500. These donations go straight towards growing our party and laying the foundation for 2018 elections and beyond.

If you have any questions about Lifetime Membership please email Head of Development, Lauren Daugherty, at

As always, thank you for your generous support of the Libertarian Party!

Wes Benedict
Executive Director