I Vape I Vote Membership Promotion

I Vape I Vote Membership Promotion

You count. You are important. Your opinion matters. When you sign up to become a member of the Libertarian Party on this page, not only do you get the “I Vape, I Vote” T-shirt, but we will also notify your Congressperson and Senators.

Donald Trump and Nancy Pelosi agree!

Donald Trump and Nancy Pelosi agree!

There aren't many things that can unite Donald Trump and Nancy Pelosi, but if it's reaching their hands into your wallet, then they see eye-to-eye. On July 23, Donald Trump tweeted that a deal was reached to add $2 trillion to the national debt. As you know, the...

Running for state legislature

Running for state legislature

Friends, My name is Bethany Baldes. Last year, I came within 53 votes of unseating the Republican majority leader in the Wyoming legislature. And I did it while running as a Libertarian. Working closely with Apollo Pazell, the national Libertarian Party's campaigns...