Libertarian National Convention to be held May 27 – 30 in Orlando
For Immediate Release Tuesday, May 17, 2016 Convention theme: #LegalizeFreedom WASHINGTON, D.C. -- All eyes will be on the Libertarian Party National Convention from May 26 through May 30 at the Rosen Centre Hotel in Orlando. With the theme, 'Legalize Freedom,' the...

How the Libertarian Party selects its presidential, VP nominees
For Immediate Release Thursday, May 12, 2016 Delegates to the Libertarian National Convention, who are selected by their respective state Libertarian affiliates, will select the party's presidential and vice presidential nominees. The convention will be called to...

Bad news, good news for Cruz, Kasich supporters
For Immediate Release Wednesday, May 4, 2016 For Ted Cruz and John Kasich supporters, the Libertarian Party says the candidates' withdrawal from the GOP presidential race is both bad news and good news. The bad news is their candidates will not win the GOP nomination....

Libertarian presidential debate to air on Stossel Show Tonight
Part One of the first, nationally-televised, pre-convention, Libertarian presidential debate will air tonight, April 1, on Fox Business Network's Stossel Show at 9 pm ET. Part Two will air on April 8.

Libertarian presidential debate to air on Stossel Show Tonight
For Immediate Release Friday, April 1, 2016 Part One of the first, nationally-televised, pre-convention, Libertarian presidential debate will air tonight, April 1, on Fox Business Network's Stossel Show at 9 PM ET. Part Two will air on April 8. The nation's third...

Libertarian Party will be on November ballot in Oklahoma
For Immediate Release Monday, March 21, 2016 Today the Oklahoma State Election Board announced that the Libertarian Party's (OKLP) petition submitted on February 22 is valid, allowing candidates to appear on the state's November ballot as Libertarians. OKLP has not...

Libertarian Party Welcomes Refugees from the Republican and Democratic Parties
For Immediate Release Wednesday, March 16, 2016 It looks increasingly likely that Mr. Trump and Sec. Clinton will be the nominees for the Republican and Democratic Parties. Neither candidate is a friend to liberty. And freedom-loving Americans everywhere are deeply...

Libertarian presidential debate to air on Stossel Show in April
For Immediate Release Thursday, March 3, 2016 The first 2016 nationally televised presidential debate of Libertarian candidates will be filmed on March 29 and air on Fox Business Network's Stossel Show April 1 at 9:00pm E.T. The nation's third largest political party,...

Why John Kasich is Unfit to be President
For Immediate Release Wednesday, February 10, 2016 "Why compete for votes when you can use your gubernatorial powers to change or bend the law to quash your opponents?" That seems to be the attitude of Ohio Republican governor and presidential hopeful John Kasich....

Republican presidential candidates refuse to talk about the toughest issue: cutting government spending
For Immediate Release Thursday, February 4, 2016 Source: www.cbo.gov/publication/51129 Despite a lot of tough talk about going after ISIS and immigrants, or taking on the D.C. establishment, the Republican candidates vying for the GOP's presidential nomination are...