Number of Debate Podiums Not Known

Number of Debate Podiums Not Known

For Immediate Release Monday, September 5, 2016 Libertarian Party Demands Fox New Cease and Desist Alexandria The Libertarian Party releases this statement from Libertarian National Committee Political Director, Carla Howell: 'It has come to our attention that Fox...

Open Letter to IAVA from LNC Chair

Open Letter to IAVA from LNC Chair

For Immediate Release Monday, August 29, 2016 Dear Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, Perhaps you can provide details about why you've chosen to exclude from your forum only one of the three candidates for President who will be on every American's ballot. I...

Outreach to Democratic Friends

Outreach to Democratic Friends

Dear Libertarian, Many of us have Bernie-supporting Democratic friends who are feeling pretty jaded right now. I bet you know someone who is. Maybe a close friend, a family member, a Facebook friend… They just worked so hard for a candidate they believed in and have...