Now hiring!

Now hiring!

Our Party didn't slow down its growth or hard work after the 2016 election. In fact, we doubled down and are pushing forward aggressively in preparation for 2018 and 2020. There are so many elements to this but I'll quickly name some highlights: - pursuing 50 state...

Want more press coverage for Libertarians?

Want more press coverage for Libertarians?

Last week, Libertarian Party Chair Nicholas Sarwark was interviewed on two of Glenn Beck's programs. Here is a clip from the TV interview. Do you want to see more interviews like this? Do you want to see Libertarian Party spokesmen on major news outlets on a regular...

Preserving our history

Preserving our history

Dear Libertarian, Our party is growing and I am thrilled to help welcome so many "newborn Libertarians". But, as we grow and move towards our future, we MUST know our past, and we are in serious danger of losing it. Many of the original delegates and liberty-fighters...


Thanks to all those who donated to our Ballot Access Fund during the very special double-matching opportunity. I'm delighted to share with you that we have now reached the full $33,900 which will now be TRIPLED to $101,700! Our experts have recommended that we raise...

Libertarian Innovation in Education

Libertarian Innovation in Education

You are invited to a special conference call about Libertarian Innovation in Education featuring LNC Vice Chair Arvin Vohra Wednesday, April 26 5 PM Pacific 6 PM Mountain 7 PM Central 8 PM Eastern Arvin Vohra is the Vice Chair of the Libertarian National Committee...

Refund it all!

Dear Libertarian, Libertarians believe that Americans have the right to use their hard-earned money as they see fit. Today and everyday, we call for a full refund for all Americans and complete abolishment of the income tax. Currently, the average American family pays...

Communicating Libertarianism

Communicating Libertarianism

You are invited to a special conference call on Communicating Libertarianism featuring LNC Regional Alternate Larry Sharpe Tuesday, April 18 5 PM Pacific 6 PM Mountain 7 PM Central 8 PM Eastern Larry Sharpe is a businessman and speaker. He has trained and coached...

We denounce last night’s strikes on Syria.

We denounce last night’s strikes on Syria.

Dear Libertarian, The Libertarian Party denounces last night's strikes on Syria. Purportedly these strikes were a retaliation for the release of a chemical agent which wounded and killed many Syrians earlier this week. The use of chemical agents against civilians is...