Ballot access and Brandon Phinney

Ballot access and Brandon Phinney

Dear Libertarian, The national party works very hard throughout the election cycle to chip away at laws and other barriers that keep Libertarian candidates off ballots. There are countless stories about why this is important but allow me to share one with you today....

Meet one of the candidates you have helped!

Meet one of the candidates you have helped!

Dear Libertarian, One of the goals of the national party this election cycle is to get more Libertarians elected to state house seats. There are several races in western states that are particularly opportune for us because they are in areas that require low vote...

USMCA is basically just NAFTA under a new name

USMCA is basically just NAFTA under a new name

On Oct. 1, President Donald Trump announced the negotiation of The United States Mexico Canada Agreement (USMCA), to replace the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). The trade deal was conveniently announced to provide Trump a trade “win” just ahead of the...

All Libertarians say no to sexual assault

All Libertarians say no to sexual assault

Whenever somebody joins the Libertarian Party, they first thing they are asked to do is to check the box next to these words: “I certify that I oppose the initiation of force to achieve political or social goals.” This is often called the non-aggression principle....

Help elect Libertarians to state legislatures!

Help elect Libertarians to state legislatures!

Dear Libertarian, We are on a mission to elect more Libertarians to state legislatures! There are several candidates running in Western states, in races that are particularly opportune for us. To help them campaign as aggressively as possible, we've deployed two field...

Help elect Libertarians to state legislatures!

Help elect Libertarians to state legislatures!

Dear Libertarian, We are on a mission to elect more Libertarians to state legislatures! There are several candidates running in Western states, in races that are particularly opportune for us. To help them campaign as aggressively as possible, we've deployed two field...