Archive | 2018

Bill Gelineau headshot, wearing dark suit, red tie, a pin on each lapel, mustache, looking at camera, dark brown backdrop as in photo studio (color photo)

Michigan Libertarian gubernatorial candidate Gelineau featured on NPR

Bill Gelineau, the Libertarian candidate for governor of Michigan, was featured on the “Stateside” program on NPR Michigan affiliate WUOM-FM to discuss his campaign, particularly spending, taxes, and roads, the Michigan Strategic Fund, legalizing marijuana, and the Michigan National Guard and foreign conflicts. From the March 26 interview by Lester Graham: The slate of candidates […]

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We support full freedom of expression and oppose government censorship, regulation or control of communications media and technology.

Facebook, good or evil?

Is Facebook good or evil? That seems to be the underlying question that led Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg to subject himself to 10 hours of grilling by Congress on April 10 and 11. “Facebook can be used for both good and evil,” said Libertarian National Committee Executive Director Wes Benedict. “In a job interview almost […]

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All persons are entitled to keep the fruits of their labor. We call for the repeal of the income tax, the abolishment of the Internal Revenue Service and all federal programs and services not required under the U.S. Constitution.

Slash federal spending to make Tax Day less painful

For the 56 percent of Americans who pay federal income taxes, April 17 will be a painful day. That pain may be lessened slightly because the Internal Revenue Service has been nibbling away at payroll withholding taxes, but the sad fact is that the income tax represents only a portion of the pain we actually […]

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Ballot Access Update

Our latest victory

Dear Libertarian, I always enjoy sharing with you news of our victories. Often we have so many urgent things going on that we are slow to share them with you, or we don’t, and I apologize for that. One of our most recent is a ballot access victory in South Dakota. A federal judge ruled […]

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Don't Tread on Me Shirt

LP Shirt in The Washington Times

How often does a t-shirt, of any kind, get mentioned in The Washington Times? One of ours did, this week! “Libertarians have also gone into feisty campaign mode, borrowing the ‘Don’t Tread On Me’ motto from the tea party and splashing it across classy T-shirts, complete with signature snake graphic and ‘1776’ front and center.” […]

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The masthead of the Washington Times newspaper - red fancy script on white background 'The Washington Times' (color graphic)

Washington Times highlights upcoming LNC convention

Jennifer Harper, the “Inside the Beltway” columnnist for the Washington Times, growth in voter registration, the upcoming national convention, the party’s growth in voter registration, and our 2018 ballot-access and campaign progress in her April 9 column. From the article, “New Libertarian motto: ‘Don’t tread on me’”: The national Libertarian Party appears pretty cheerful these days. The […]

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Libertarian National Convention

Sponsorship Opportunities!

Want to help co-sponsor one of the largest Libertarian national conventions ever? If you’d like to help co-sponsor the convention, we have many options from which you can choose. Would you like to have your own table at the Gala, along with 8 tickets for you and your friends? You can find more info here. […]

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LP South Dakota logo, Mt. Rushmore as backdrop, text 'Libertarian South Dakota' (color image)

South Dakota Libertarian Party wins ballot-access case

A federal judge has ruled unconstitutional South Dakota’s laws regulating third-party access to the ballot. From ABC affiliate KOTA-TV’s coverage of the Feb. 21 decision: Judge Lawrence Piersol ruled that the laws violated the First and Fourteenth Amendment rights of the plaintiffs, the Libertarian Party and the Constitution Party. The ruling says that the state […]

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Dear Libertarian, When you look at your tax bill, do you feel like a slave to the IRS? Republicans like to talk a good game about tax reform and fiscal responsibility but they are not committed to it. They have control of the House, Senate, and Presidency and if they wanted bold reform, they could […]

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Campaign portrait of Ron Hanscomb, wearing dark suit red tie eyeglasses, arms crossed, smiling (color image)

Libertarian candidate for Connecticut governor interviewed in ‘Daily Campus’

The Daily Campus, a publication of the University of Connecticut, featured an interview of Rod Hanscomb, the Libertarian Party candidate for governor of Connecticut, on March 23. In the interview, Hanscomb discusses his chances of winning, cutting spending and making Connecticut business-friendly, his background as a business owner, and legalizing the sale of marijuana. “Is it […]

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Brandon Kneeld

Florida Libertarian elected to Davenport City Council

Libertarian Brandon Kneeld,  elected city councilmember in Davenport, Fla. Florida Libertarian Brandon Kneeld was elected to the Davenport City Council on April 3. Kneeld easily defeated his opponent, Headley Oliver, with 245 votes to Oliver’s 117. “I’m just incredibly humbled they’re putting their trust in me,” Kneeld said of the residents, in an election-night interview […]

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