John BuckleyJohn Buckley, the West Virginia Libertarian Party candidate for Secretary of State, was quoted several times in an article in the Charleston Gazette-Mail on October 11, regarding the registering of voters:

“Voter registration, campaign laws hot topics for WV secretary of state candidates.

“As major party secretary of state candidates Natalie Tennant and Mac Warner bickered over everything from automatic voter registration to ethics complaints to supervision of clean elections, Libertarian candidate John Buckley said Monday he was tempted to wear a referee’s jersey and throw penalty flags.

“’I think there’s an awful lot of the voters out there who are sick and tired of the partisan bickering, and I think this job is tailor-made for someone from a different perspective than Republican or Democrat,’ Buckley, a retired Hardy County lawyer, told Gazette-Mail editors and reporters.”

“Buckley, meanwhile, said he supports legislation that would make it easier for third parties to become recognized political parties in the state. He proposed expanding the current requirement of having a candidate for governor receive at least 1 percent of the general election vote to include all six statewide elective offices.

“He said the current law ‘artificially drives’ would-be political party organizations to place a candidate in the governor’s race when they might have better opportunities in the other statewide races.

“’They lose the opportunity for four years to have the advantage of being a recognized political party,’ he said.”

Click here to view his campaign website.