Jo Jorgensen

Jo Jorgensen

From WBAY-TV, the ABC affiliate in Green Bay, Wisconsin on July 25:

Libertarian Party Presidential Candidate Jo Jorgensen held a rally in Wisconsin Saturday.

It was held at Leach Amphitheater in Oshkosh.

Jorgensen said with her nomination, Americans have a chance to escape the old parties and start over with something fresh.

HEALTHCARE: “We keep hearing politicians say that the free market doesn’t work. However, we haven’t had a free market in well over 100 years. So the first thing I would do would be to turn it into a free market. And I’d like to point out that the two health specialties that are most free market would be cosmetic surgery and LASIK surgery. And over the past 20 years, they have gone down dramatically in price and they’ve gone up in quality and I’d like to see that happen to the rest of the healthcare field. And also, I’d like to point out that one of our biggest problems is that health insurance isn’t really insurance at all. Insurance only pays for unexpected events, like our car insurance. And if you think about it, what if our car insurance paid for gas, oil, car washes anything like that, what we would see is we wouldn’t see gas stations competing for our prices, we wouldn’t see people trying to cut back on the number of car washes, we would just see prices going up because we would just pay a little $5 copay and go along and we’d see prices spiraling just like they have in the healthcare field.”

FUNDING FOR HEALTHCARE: “What we would need to do is start with Medicare, Medicaid, and start off by actually putting the dollars in people’s accounts. And then giving them the choice, giving them the authority to spend it how they like. If we look at the state of Indiana, we see that they went to a system like that for their state employees and the number of people using for instance, generic drugs, the number of generic drugs went from about 10% to about 90% in just a year or two. And that’s because they were spending their own money. And the great part about it is that they were glad to spend their money on generic drugs because they got to keep the savings. And also, if you look over at Singapore, you see that their health care costs are about a third of what ours are. So I’m really confused why so many of our politicians keep saying we need to go to single payer, when it hasn’t worked in Great Britain, it hasn’t worked in Canada. When I hear people say, Medicare for all what I hear is VA hospital for all. It’s monopolistic system that doesn’t work.

COVID-19 PANDEMIC: “I think they mishandled it from the beginning. The first thing Trump should have done was should have gotten rid of the FDA obstacles so that we could have more testing done. There were about 60 companies in America creating testing kits, but the FDA only approved two of them and if you watch the media, you’ll notice that Southeast Asia had a lot of testing done and they were getting it under control. The reason they got all that testing done is they were using kits manufactured in our country that we weren’t allowed to use. So he should have opened that up from the very beginning. And also he was encouraging people to only get tested if they have symptoms, even though the prevailing wisdom at the time was that at least half the people had the virus without any symptoms. So if we’d gotten massive testing, and we knew which people needed to stay home and wish people could go to work, we would not have lost the 10s of millions of jobs that we did, and we wouldn’t be in the position we’re in right now.”

HOW WOULD YOU TACKLE THE PANDEMIC AS PRESIDENT?: “The first thing I would do if I were in office is to try to get back some of that money that was handed out to the corporations. I think that people should be able to spend their own money on whichever companies they feel. If you look at who was hurt, yes, corporations were hurt, but mom and pop stores were hurt even more. And I would leave the money in the hands of the people and allow them to spend it, for instance, in their own hometown. And people are looking at the check saying, ‘Wow, I get $1,200 dollars. That’s great. But you have to ask yourself, where’s that $1,200 dollars coming from?’ It’s coming from you in future taxes, and that’s costing a heck of a lot more than $1,200.”

WHAT MAKES YOU THE BEST CANDIDATE?: “I would say why would they want to vote for the choices they have now? What we have is basically two old parties who have been creating the problems and now we have a mess to clean up. And I understand why people voted for Trump. I understand they wanted an outsider. They wanted somebody who was going to change things and he didn’t have 50 years of political baggage. But once in office, he acted just like every other Republican in that instead of reducing and eliminating the deficit, which is what he’s promised us, the deficit has only gotten bigger and he’s also increased spending. So if an outsider like Donald Trump can’t change things, then I think people’s hope for smaller government through the Republicans, there is just no hope there. And on the Democrat side, I’d like to point out that the Democratic Party was traditionally the party of pro-peace. They were anti-war and they basically shut down the only anti-war candidate they had Tulsi Gabbard and now we have Joe Biden, who shows no signs of wanting to end any wars. So part of my platform is to turn America into one giant Switzerland, armed and neutral, and bring our troops home. Again, there’s no reason why taxpayers should be paying to have troops stationed in Germany and France, and being in the Middle East just causes more problems than it solves.”

WHAT SHOULD VOTERS TAKE AWAY?: “What I want them to take away is that there is a real alternative out there. About three quarters of our volunteers from the start had been from outside the party, and that’s very unusual for a Libertarian Party or really any party because usually when you run for office, you get your core supporters first and that grows. But we have just been overwhelmed by how many volunteers are coming in from outside the Libertarian Party saying that they want a real change. They don’t like the way things are and they want to see somebody different up there.”

“I would love to be in the debate. I would be the only alternative voice so if any of you viewers get polled, I would say even if you’re not sure who you’re going to vote for Tell them you’re at least considering voting for Jo Jorgensen so that way, maybe I can get into the debate. Maybe I can be on stage with Trump and Biden given a real alternative. And if you’d like to learn more, go to

ABOUT JO JORGENSEN: According to Jorgensen’s website, she is a Senior Lecturer in Psychology at Clemson University. She holds a Ph.D. in Industrial/Organizational Psychology (Clemson, 2002) and has taught full-time since 2006. She graduated in 1979 from Baylor University with a B.S. in Psychology and in 1980 from Southern Methodist University with an MBA. After earning her MBA, she put her education to work as a marketing representative for IBM. Relocating to Greenville, S.C. in 1983, she started her own software sales business. After taking a career sabbatical to raise her two children, she became a partner in a software duplication company, later taking over as president and sole owner. She founded a business consulting company in 2002 and continues working with select clients. Dr. Jo Jorgensen was the Libertarian Party Vice-Presidential Nominee with Harry Browne in 1996. She campaigned in 38 states and appeared as a Libertarian spokesperson on over 300 radio shows all across America. She regularly lit up the call-in boards, helping listeners discover the Libertarian Party and generating inquiries and new LP members. In 1992, she was the Libertarian Party’s candidate for South Carolina’s 4th Congressional District. After a statewide televised debate with her Democratic and Republican opponents, Dr. Jorgensen’s debate performance was widely praised in the media, and the Greenville News referred to her as “a rose between two thorns.” Dr. Jo Jorgensen is a Life Member of the Libertarian Party. She supported Ed Clark for president in 1980 and has been voting Libertarian ever since. She officially joined the Libertarian Party in 1983 and has served as Greenville County chair, state vice chair, and national marketing director for the Libertarian Party.