Jennifer Harper of the Washington Times discusses a recent poll on millennials’ desire for a third party, and the 2018 Libertarian Party convention, in her December 7 “Inside the Beltway” column:

“A recent NBC News poll revealed that 71 percent of millennials — now considered to be the nation’s largest potential voting bloc — pine for a third political party. There are an estimated 75 million Americans aged 18–34; their beliefs, sentiments, and motivations continue to fascinate and occasionally confound the demographic researchers — but not necessarily those who actually belong to a third party.

“Wes Benedict, executive director of the Libertarian Party, now reports that a record-breaking number of people have registered to attend the 2018 Libertarian National Convention in New Orleans. The jaunty theme of the event in June is ‘I’m THAT Libertarian.’

“Things are percolating. Speakers are lining up. An online store now boasts multiple items in the party’s signature gray and yellow color theme. A camouflage ball cap with ‘Libertarian’ embroidered on it in bright orange is new this year. The Libertarians also have an ambitious goal of placing 2,000 of their own candidates on assorted local, state, and national ballots nationwide next year — three times the number who entered races in 2014.

“Libertarian National Committee Chairman Nicholas Sarwark is currently running for mayor of Phoenix, and looks every bit the ambitious candidate. The married father of three young children is also an attorney who has served as public defender and a small business owner, Mr. Sarwark has planned his first campaign rally for the first week of January.

“The committee itself meets in New Orleans this weekend for two days of planning meetings and strategy — plus much discussion about plans for their 2020 presidential convention.”