Masthead: red & white text on blue background: "Red Dirt Report" and "all the dirt, news, culture and commentary for Oklahoma's second century"; cartoon image of cowboy peering out from the "R" in "Red" (graphic image)The Red Dirt Report, an independent online newspaper in Oklahoma, featured interviews of three prospective 2018 Libertarian Party candidates for governor on November 27.

As the only three recognized parties in Oklahoma, the Libertarian, Democratic, and Republican Parties will be holding primary elections in 2018.

The Libertarian candidates are Rex Lawhorn, Joe Maldonado, and Chris Powell.

Questions asked of each candidate included why he is running for governor, what he deems to be the proper roles of state government and the governor, what would be his first act if elected governor, the three biggest issues facing Oklahomans, and steps he would take to correct the deficit.

The primary election will be held on June 26.

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