Autumn Browne, 2018 Libertarian write-in candidate for California State Assembly, District 69

At least three Libertarian write-in candidates in California, including Autumn Browne, the daughter of Libertarian presidential nominee Harry Browne (1996 and 2000), will appear on the ballot this November.

California is subject to a top-two primary system, where all candidates appear on all voters’ primary ballots, and only the top two finishers in each race, regardless of party affiliation, compete in the November run-off election.

Ten California LP candidates filed to get on the ballot as write-ins; three of them have only one opponent on the primary ballot. Thus, these three Libertarians candidates will automatically qualify for the November ballot:

  • Justin Quigley: State Assembly, District 21
  • Christopher Stare: State Assembly, District 51
  • Autumn Browne: State Assembly, District 69

The primary election will be held on June 5, and the run-off on November 6, 2018.

Click here for the full list of California Libertarian candidates.

Learn more about the LP of California at their website, here.