Wallace Dunn

Wallace Dunn, a Texas Libertarian Party candiate for the Ector County Medical Center Hospital Board of Directors defeated Mary Thompson for place 6 in the May 4 election. From the Texas Scorecard:

Wallace Dunn was declared the winner Saturday night in his first bid for public office, successfully unseating 30-year incumbent Mary Thompson for Place 6 on the Medical Center Hospital board in a landslide victory.

Thompson is currently serving as president of the board, which has made headlines over the past several years due to a number of controversies.

With final results in, Dunn was victorious—pulling roughly 70 percent of the vote.

MCH Board Member Don Hallmark told Texas Scorecard that Dunn’s victory was “a great opportunity to make the hospital as great as it can be, starting with a new direction.”

Excited with the results, Dunn stated, “Win or lose, I made so many new friends [while] out campaigning door to door. I had a great time meeting the people of the community I am now blessed with the opportunity to serve.”

Thompson will still preside over the next May board meeting, and Dunn will take office at the first board meeting in June.