The Libertarian National Committee is seeking three to five volunteers to serve on its IT Committee. Additionally, even if you are not interested in serving directly on the committee, if you are an IT practitioner and are willing to volunteer your services occasionally, we’d like to hear from you as well.

The IT Committee helps our national headquarters and state affiliates evaluate and implement technology and tools. Examples of areas where the IT Committee may focus include:

  • websites
  • membership databases
  • email systems
  • get-out-the-vote technology
  • donation systems
  • security
  • social media integration

Examples of some of the tools that are used by the national Libertarian Party and state affiliates include:

  • Website content managers: WordPress, NationBuilder, Drupal, Weebly, Joomla
  • Membership databases: Raiser’s Edge (by Blackbaud), Nationbuilder, CiviCRM, SalesForce
  • Broadcast email systems: iContact, Constant Contact, Mailchimp, NationBuilder, CiviCRM
  • Donation systems: PayPal, NationBuilder,, ClickandPledge, CiviCRM, IATS, Piryx

The committee will meet and do most business online or via conference call. On rare occasions it might have physical meetings but expect 95%+ of the work to be online

You don’t have to be a software developer or web designer to apply to the committee. The party also has hardware needs like networking, servers, telecom and office equipment. If you know how to create RFPs, RFQs, make good LOE estimates, or construct the business case for technology, please consider applying. With three to five members to appoint, we are looking for a breadth of experience to ensure the IT Committee can make good evaluations that lead to technology and budgetary recommendations to the full LNC. Our recommendations will influence the party’s IT budget for 2017 and 2018.

Job Requirements:
  • must be a team player
  • must have broad technical background
  • must have understanding of ROI and TCO calculations
  • should have 4+ years as an active member of the LP
  • should have 10+ years IT experience
  • should have experience in consensus building
  • IT managerial and/or decision making experience preferred
  • volunteer management preferred


When you apply, please provide:

  1. a resume and/or a summary of your IT technical and managerial experience
  2. a brief note with your ideas for improvements in the LP’s IT platforms
  3. description of any IT work you’ve done for the Libertarian Party

Upload the information above preferably in a single PDF here:

Please apply by November 23, 2016.


Ken Moellman & Sean O’Toole
Libertarian National Committee